Accounts Retrievable Systems – How A Collection Agency Can Help You
Our Mission is to deliver high quality, effective and innovative solutions to our customers while trying to be an industry leader through superior client service, dignified account management and innovative technology integration. We will provide customer service second to none. ARS is committed to maintaining this leadership through constant investment in our people and technology and the ever changing development of collections solutions. Our mission is also to provide our employees meaningful work in a healthy, exciting and productive environment. It is our mission to encourage openness, innovation, and growth for all employees.
Accounts Retrievable has been in existence since 1986 and has been providing many industries and businesses with top notch debt collection services. ARS is an international collection agency providing professional, highly effective results for clients all over the world. If you are looking for help with judgment collections, commercial or recovery collections or child support, ARS can help you. We have over three decades of experience of collecting on accounts both international and domestic. Clients of ours benefit from an array of collection solutions that are designed to increase cash flow, reduce expenses, improve operation efficiency and of course maintain positive customer relations.
We pride in our ability to deliver professional, effective and timely results worldwide. We continue to strive to remain a leader in the collections industry. If you need help with collections, it is important to choose a collection agency with a consistent track record with successful outcomes. Our collection agency and all staff are kept current on all laws and statutes and continue with ongoing eduction to stay current. This is important in keeping positive customer relations. You want a collection agency that is going to treat your clients with respect and dignity. Accounts Retrievable is comprised of a strong, cohesive and committed team that works to recover money owed to you.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687