Accounts Retrievable Systems - Collection of Debts
If your collection agency doesn’t collect anything am I still charged a fee?
No collection, No Fee!
Are you bonded?
Yes, we hold a Surety Bond.
Do you report to the credit report agencies like Experian and Trans Union, and if yes, is there a fee?
Yes, we do report to credit bureaus for our large volume clients, and it is a free service.
What do I do if the debtor calls our office?
The debtor must be directed back to our office to resolve this matter. In many cases, the debtor has made a promise to pay an amount either in full or by means of a “part payment.” The call to you amounts to a plea for “leniency.” The debtor may also tell you a different story than he told our attorney because the attorney has, in all likelihood, obtained information beyond what the debtor claims as the reason for nonpayment. We always strive for the fastest possible recovery of your money and the fastest recovery will always be a result of a unified stance between our company and you.
What do I do if I receive a payment from the debtor?
Contact our office immediately and make us aware of the payment and if possible fax a copy of the check to us.
What happens if my product is returned to me due to your collection efforts?
Your debt collection expense will only be 50% of the preferred rate against the present value of the returned product.
We have some delinquent accounts that promise to pay us soon, but never follow through. When should I send these accounts to collection?
Ideally, any accounts that reach and surpass the 90 day point of delinquency, are good candidates for placement with our office. Customers at this point have had ample time to pay their account, address any dispute, and contact you with any questions.
What type of documentation do I need to forward to you to start the collection process?
Send us our completed placement form along with a comprehensive statement of account, and if available; invoice copies, are usually sufficient to start the process. If you have the customer’s credit application handy, this is very helpful as well. Of course, any “bad“ checks that are part of the debt are required as well.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687