#debtcollection #money #debts #accounts - Debt Collection Agency
You know that cash is and always will be king. One of the biggest drains on small business cash flow is often out of control past due accounts receivable. I have seen business owners try to tackle the problem by cutting off any new credit and thus running themselves straight out of business. There is an easier way.
You can instantly begin to collect more of your past due receivables by making it a priority. Most small businesses that I come across have a haphazard method of collecting receivables in the best of scenarios. In the worst cases, their collections are non-existent.
The very first thing you should do in your business is put someone in charge of collections. Now, it can be an existing employee who takes on an extra duty or if your receivables are large enough and collection would be lucrative enough, you can even hire someone to fill a full-time position. That will be up to you and to the size and severity of your problem.
However, a funny thing happens when you put someone in charge. Someone who will be judged and evaluated at least partially on how well they perform this function. All of a sudden, collecting your past dues becomes a priority. You see, your employees take their cue from you. If you constantly complain about your past dues, but do little to alleviate the problem, they will understand that it is not a priority for you, otherwise you would take steps to improve the situation. By giving someone responsibility and holding them accountable, you have just demonstrated in no uncertain terms that collection of past dues IS a priority.
In addition, you’ll want to set specific targets and goals for improvement in the amount of collections. You’ll want to have regular meetings to discuss progress and plans for the future. In order to be taken seriously, you’ll need to have at least weekly meetings, if not more often. These need not be long, drawn out time wasters just for the sake of having a meeting, they can be short, sweet and to the point. Where were you at the last meeting, where are you now, what or who are you having particular problems with and how should we address those problems. Give them responsibility and hold them accountable.
Certainly, you will want to give your employee some training, some guidelines, scripts and letter templates, but once you have given him/her some training, you’ll see an instant improvement in your cash flow plight. What was once a low priority is now a high priority. You’ll be amazed at what these simple steps can do to improve your collections.
Article Source: Greg Beverly – www.EzineArticles.com
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