Accounts Retrievable Systems - Excuses Debtors Make
The more questions you ask, the quicker you will get to the truth of the matter. When debtors lie about why they are not paying, they are hoping that you will accept what they are saying and drop the subject. The more questions you ask, the more uncomfortable debtors become. Eventually, sending the creditor a check becomes much more appealing than answering all of your questions and having to come up with one excuse after another. The advantage you have is that most people in debt collecting will accept excuses at face value and will call back at anther time. Here are some of the most common excuses you are apt to hear. Think about how you will respond to these excuses before making those necessary phone calls with your consumers.
1) The computers are down and we are unable to print checks right now.
2) I never received a bill for the product or service. I lost the bill.
3) The check is in the mail.
4) I don’t have any money.
5) Hardship (lost my job, illness) and can’t afford to pay you right now.
6) Our computer prints all checks at the end of the month.
7) We are having serious cash flow problems.
8) We are expecting a big check in a month, and then we can pay you in full.
9) When I get paid, you’ll get paid.
10) The boss is out of town and will not be able to sign the check for two weeks.
11) I’m the controller and I handle the payables.
12) I have a dispute with the invoice.
13) I have a dispute with the product or service.
14) We need proof of delivery before we can pay.
15) We can only pay from original invoices, not faxed copies.
16) Our accounts payable person quit.
17) Our company pays net 90.
18) We’re still waiting for approval.
19) My spouse pays the bills.
20) I don’t owe anything.
Article Source: www.lifetips.com
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687