Accounts Retrievable – Hiring The Right Collection Agency For You
When hiring a collection agency you want to be sure that they are in compliance with all laws in regards to debt collection. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was created in 1978 in order to eliminate harassment of consumers in the process of debt collection. This Act provides a list of do’s and dont’s when you are collecting debts.
Accounts Retrievable Systems is a national collection agency that is in compliance with all debt collection laws. All phone contact must be between 8:00am and 9:00pm, local time, any other phone contact is strictly prohibited by the FDCPA. Also when a debt collector receives a written notice to cease communication, they must immediately stop communication and then collection can only be done by litigation. There are other obvious prohibited behaviors such as never using abusive language.
ARS’s legal solution is centered around our network of experienced collection attorneys. Our Forwarding Department coordinates litigation services for all 50 states and beyond. By having successfully litigated tens of thousands of cases for creditors, our legal network has the litigation experience to help our clients achieve maximum results and minimize any potential exposures.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687