#debtcollection #money #debts #bad #judgements – Debt Collection Agency
Business to business debt collection is altogether a different process as compared to the process of debt collection from an individual. There is no valid excuse that a debtor can give for not paying the money you deserve. Therefore, once a business debtor has owed you money for quite some time, there is nothing wrong in putting all your efforts to get the money. Since you will not like to do business again with a company that fails to pay your money in time, there is nothing for you to lose here. However, before you begin the business to business debt collection process, you must be clear of your sole objective i.e. getting the money paid in full. Don’t agree to settle on anything less than what is committed by your client.
Firstly, you need to understand that there is nothing wrong in threatening your client regarding legal action. A notice threatening legal action can serve as a public record regarding your efforts for recovery, and your client’s failure in making the payment. Indirectly, this will put your client as a thief and will provoke him to make the payment in order to save his business image. Remember that business to business debt collection is not an easy task, and you need to put in your wholehearted efforts to get the result or money you want. The debtor may have already given you thousands of excuses and set-aside thousands others just for you. Therefore, don’t get convinced with what the client is saying. Instead, try convincing him that you mean a fair business.
In business to business debt collection, it is very important that you approach the right person. Don’t waste your time messing around with junior employees or mediators. They don’t have the authority to sign the checks. Directly approach the person that authorized the purchase. He cannot get away by asking someone else to ignore your invoices. Call him as many times as needed, and even after the office time is over. Let him know that you are disappointed and angry. Since there is no future business, there is no need to carry business etiquette here. However, it is good to avoid going to a level that can harm your business reputation.
If even after repeated trials and all the notices you are not able to collect your debt, it will be a good idea to hire a business to business debt collection agency. They are expert in making both individual and business to business debt collection and the chances are fair that they will be able to help you get your money.
Article Source: Christina K. Nicholas – www.ezinearticles.com
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