Accounts Retrievable Systems - Judgment Recovery
One can purchase a judgment recovery course for under $50 in order to implement all what it takes to get your judgment satisfied. It is a learn-as-you- go worthwhile skill that can even turn into a part-time business that you can work from the comfort of your home. Many people have been awarded judgment by the court and do not know how to collect them.
If you decide to enter into the business aspect of judgment processing, the plaintiff who won the appeal will assign their rights, title and accrued interest over to you. Judgments are public record and you’ll have no problem getting leads. With about 100 letters of solicitation one can expect about 30 or 35 judgments to work on. What is nice about this business is that there is no confrontation and no need to talk to anyone. It’s all investigative skills and paperwork.
The other cost effective avenue for judgment enforcement is to resort to a judgment recovery specialist. They will generally collect the money due to you and split the proceeds 50 50. For larger claims in the $20,000 and upward amounts, the fees can be as low as 35 percent
For a more hands off approach and paperwork non-involvement, hiring a professional is the pragmatic choice that many make. After all, half a loaf is better than no loaf. A survey of small claims processing businesses indicate that they win 50 to 60 percent of their cases.
The judgment recovery business also will go after and reclaim interest and expenses associated with collecting the debt. About a 10 percent interest is the average interest in the U.S. that accrues to unpaid judgments each day they are outstanding.
The recovery specialist will investigate and locate where the debtors assets are, his employer and any attachable property and file the legal documents to freeze those assets or arrange to garnish their wages in order to legally satisfy the debt. They can seize personal property or assets, file a lien against real property or an income execution as the situation demands.
When assets are seized, an enforcement officer will take charge and be armed with a Transcript of Judgment and an Information Subpoena that details and identifies the assets. The enforcement officer can then seize the assets and sell them at an execution sale thereby applying the proceeds of the sale to satisfy the judgment.
Beware of the statue of limitations for your state. If the applicable statute of limitations expires prior to you filing your judgment claim or to you having resolved your dispute, one is barred forever from pursuing that awarded claim.
When the debtor pays off the judgment, the creditor will prepare and sign a Satisfaction of Judgment for the benefit of the debtor. This way any lien of judgment can be removed by the clerk and the county record book kept accurate. Judgment recovery is a source every plaintiff with an outstanding judgment should get familiar with.
Article Source: www.ezinearticles.com
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