Accounts Retrievable Systems – Collection Agency Will Collect
Owning a business is stressful enough and then add past due invoices to the mix, that is a recipe for stress. Hiring a collection agency helps alleviate stress of collecting on past due accounts. When you have an account that you’ve previously tried to collect on and have had no success, you are wasting time and money. When you hire a collection agency the chances of you recovering your money are greatly increased. The professionals at a collection agency know debt collection tactics that work for different industries and different situations. Of course there is no guarantee that we can always collect the money owed to you but it is always worth a shot to place an account with us.
We’ve been asked time and time again what is the success rate of our collections on accounts. There is no set answer as the success of collection largely on the age of the debt and time of placement as well as the industry. There is no guarantee that we will always collect on your accounts that you place with us, but we do guarantee that each and every accounts placed with us is worked throughly. The variables that come with each account placed is what affects the success of collection. Found in every claim, the variables are the time past due, backup documents, singed credit applications, personal guarantees and previous collection efforts. We have had clients for whom we’ve collected 70% of the accounts they place with us, but also represent industries within these same industries where the recovery rate is far less.
Early placement of an account is far more important than you might think. The earlier you place an account with us, the greater the chances of recovery. Although we are a well established and reputable collection agency, not all accounts can always be collected on. We have collected on “dead accounts” in the past, but it is always important to place an account with us as soon as possible. The longer your customer delays in paying you, the lower the chances of recovery.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687