Accounts Retrievable Systems – Info About Judgment Collection
The person who is awarded a judgment is called the judgment creditor, and the person who owes the amount awarded is called the judgment debtor.
To begin collecting a judgment, you should contact the judgment debtor either directly or through the debtor’s attorney if the debtor was represented by an attorney, and request payment of the judgment amount. If the judgment debtor does not pay, you are entitled to begin collection efforts. These may include one or any combination of the following:
a) garnishment of wages and or bank accounts,
b) lien, seizure and or sale of real property and or personal property, including automobiles,
c) suspension of motor vehicle registration, and or driver’s license, if the underlying claim is based on the judgment debtor’s ownership or operation of a motor vehicle,
d) revocation, suspension, or denial of renewal of any applicable business license or permit,
e) investigation and prosecution by the State Attorney General for fraudulent or illegal business practices, and
f) a penalty equal to three times the amount of the unsatisfied judgment plus attorney’s fees, if there are unpaid claims.
You may read information on these collection methods in the Collecting the Judgment section below.
You may need the services of an enforcement officer. An enforcement officer can use the power allowed to him or her by the law to collect the amount due to you. To learn more about enforcement officers, continue reading below.
Article Source: www.nycourts.gov
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