Accounts Retrievable Systems – Collecting On A Civil Judgment
A civil judgment is the result of a civil court case. When you are owed money for services or a product, you can take a debtor to civil court and receive a civil judgment. At this point, the civil judgment allows you to collect payments, garnish wages, or seek other ways of reimbursement.
Being awarded a civil judgment is not the end of the line, unfortunately. It will take some effort on your part to collect the judgment from a debtor. The most widely used practice is to garnish a person’s wages. In order to garnish wages you will need:
– information on the debtor’s place of employment
– banking information
– information on other assets help by the debtor
At this point, you will then need to pass this information along to a lawyer, the court where the judgment was issued, or to a third party agency.
Sometimes the debtor is willing to negotiate so that you do not have to forcefully take it by garnishing wages. While you may want all your money now, it will be more realistic to arrange a payment plan that is manageable with the judgment debtor. It is better to get several installments of a little money over time rather than none at all. Ask the court to order the debtor to repay the judgment in installments. If the court does not order the installment agreement, ask the debtor to voluntarily enter into such an arrangement.
Tips & Warnings
Most states limit the percentage of a person’s wages that are subject to garnishment.
Some property can be transferred even if a lien has been placed upon it, if the person acquiring the property is willing to assume the property without receiving clear title to the property. This may be the case with a family member.
Article Source: www.ehow.com
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