Accounts Retrievable Systems - Information About Judgment Collection
Trying to collect a judgment on your own can be very stressful, especially if you are not familiar with debt collection practices. Hiring a collection agency to help collect your judgment is a smart move. We can help you with any questions you may have in regards to debt collection. One question we hear quite often is “At what point does a Judgment become “uncollectable”? The answer to this is almost never. Rarely does a judgment become uncollectable. Most judgments are valid for 5 – 20 years. Sometimes when we cannot collect on a judgment after exhausting all of our efforts we may review the file again in a year or too and see if the debtor’s financial status has improved in any way.
We have been successful in collecting judgments that are 2, 4 and ever 7 years old or longer. If you have a judgment that is three years old, send it to our office immediately. We have had much success in collecting judgments that are years old. Now collecting a judgment when the debtor has filed bankruptcy can be difficult. In many cases the judgment will become uncollectable but you can send it to our office anyway with the necessary paperwork so that we can check it out. We work online in real time with the United States Bankruptcy Courts and through this we can very easily obtain the status of any bankruptcy filing.
Hiring a collection agency is very beneficial to both individuals and businesses. We know that you are busy in your lives working on the future and that becomes difficult when trying to collect from the past. We can help you with this, our employees are experts on debt collection and have proved time and time again our success with collections. If you have any claim that you are unsure of, whether it be if it is collectable or not, send it to us right away and we will get started on that for you.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687