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Accounts Retrievable Systems - Collection Agency Services

If you ask the average person, “What does a debt collection agency do?” they would most likely respond, “They, uh…collect debts.” But ask them to elaborate a little and you might get something that starts like, “Well, first they buy a bunch of debt for pennies on the dollar, then…” This is where they start getting it wrong.


It’s not their fault. A common refrain in recent press coverage of collection agencies is that the debt collectors making the calls are doing so on their own behalf. The phrase, “pennies on the dollar” started to creep into coverage of the debt collection industry about five years ago, around the time that the press discovered there was a whole industry of debt buyers.


For the record, the vast majority of collection agencies in the U.S. work on a contingency, third-party basis. This means that they are paid when they collect on accounts owned by another company, most commonly a bank.  There are also many other business types that are served by debt collectors: doctors, hospitals, governments of all sizes, auto lenders, utilities, any small business you can imagine, and yes, debt buyers.


“I’m not paying you. I don’t understand your business model.”


Most people think collection agencies are financial firms, but at their core, they are really B2B service businesses. A work order (in this example, a defaulted consumer credit card account) is placed and once the work is completed (the consumer pays the debt), they are paid. Accounting in collection agencies is pretty straightforward.


Debt buyers, on the other hand, have a business model that aligns with their name: they buy debt. Debt purchasers are financial firms, with accounting practices much more similar to large consumer banks than collection agencies.

Collection agencies and debt buyers are undeniably linked, regardless of their differences. In fact, many debt buyers forward their accounts to collection agencies to work on a contingency basis. Also, they do basically the same thing for credit originators (return value of non-performing credit accounts). They just go about it in a different way.


Collection agencies and debt buyers often compete against one another for shares of banks’ charged-off debt portfolios. Collection agencies want the work farmed out to them while debt buyers want the banks to sell them the debt.


The laws governing the two are also different. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) governs the behavior of collection agencies, but generally does not apply to debt buyers (or banks, for that matter). This is being slowly changed, as many state legislatures are amending their versions of the law to include debt buyers in the covered businesses. But the federal government (read: FTC) still has separate rules for the two business types.


Collection agencies and debt buyers also have different associations that support them, ACA International and DBA International, respectively, although there is plenty of crossover between the associations. In fact, ACA has a group within its ranks specifically for debt buyers.


But there might be less crossover soon. Just last month, a state unit of ACA International proposed dissolving the debt buyers’ group within the association and recognizing debt purchasers as creditors, for membership purposes. The folks that proposed this move are seeking to codify within their group what many of them already know: the two businesses are vastly different enterprises.


The next time you see a story that asserts a collection agency “paid pennies on the dollar” for the debt, please look into the firm and see if their primary business line is debt collection or debt purchasing. The companies really don’t try to hide that fact; it’s pretty simple to tell who is who.


Article Source:   Patrick Lunsford –


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