#debt #debtcollection #baddebt - Debt Collection Agency
Debt collection agencies collect debts for a fee or percentage of the total amount owed. This fee is based on how old the debts are (the fresher the better) and how much business a creditor has to offer. The standard rate in the industry for business-to-business accounts is 30 per cent. The rate for collecting consumer accounts is higher.
However, debt collection agencies have experience with and knowledge about debt collection that we, as individual business owners, don’t have and hiring one can be well worth it if the amount of outstanding accounts receivable warrants it.
Proactive Policies Are the Best Way to Get Paid
As you’ve already guessed, the best ways to ensure you get paid for the products you sell and the services you provide is set proactive policies and procedures in place to cut down on the number of delinquent accounts receivable your small business has to deal with.
Things such as having credit policies in place, performing credit checks on customers and clients, having a partial payment policy and being clear and upfront about your payment expectations both in person and on your invoices will go a long ways towards ensuring that you get paid and your small business doesn’t get stuck with a lot of bad debt.
Article Source: Susan Ward – www.about.com
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