Here at Accounts Retrievable System, we specialize in New York judgment enforcement and collection. We also are leaders in nationwide judgment enforcement and international judgment collection. Being a New York company, we are proud to serve New York residents with enforcing judgments and collecting judgments, Here we are listing some helpful laws and information about New York judgment enforcement.
When you obtain a judgment in New York state, it is enforceable for twenty years. But really, who would want to wait that long? The quicker and more aggressive you are right after obtaining the judgment, the better the chances you have at getting your money from a debtor. When Accounts Retrievable receives your claim, our team of professionals immediately begin the collections process. Under New York sate collections law, we are allowed some involuntary methods for retrieving money from your debtor. Wages and bank accounts can be garnished and in some cases, property and assets can be seized.
There are some exceptions of personal property that can’t be touched when enforcing a money judgement in New York. If a person lives in a residence that does not exceed ten thousand dollars in value such as a mobile home, a dwelling on a lot of land, or stock in a co-op apartment, the debtor may be exempt from having those assets seized. If this is the case, Accounts Retrievable will be able to navigate through the specifics of your claim in order to collect you judgment. We find that most people intend to pay, but need assistance in prioritizing and planning payments. Our representatives can quickly and professionally solve these issues in order to help you claim your debts.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687