Accounts Retrievable Systems – Collecting Your Judgements
Since 1986, ARS has delivered professional, highly effective results for clients on a worldwide basis. ARS is recognized as a leader in Judgment Collections, Commercial Collections, Consumer Recovery, and is a specialist in collection of Child Support and Spousal Maintenance. Our partnership approach, rapid collection and ability to preserve relationships form the cornerstone of our commitment to excellence.
FORWARDING SERVICE : We forward your account to attorneys in the debtor’s locale for either collection or suit. We forward accounts to attorneys who are bonded and are chosen from the membership in the Commercial Law League of America and NARCA, the most distinguished associations of attorneys engaged in collection law. Execution of our placement form constitutes authority to forward your claim to local counsel. No legal action will be initiated by any attorney without your authorization. If legal proceedings are recommended and approved, there are required costs, including advanced court costs and/or suit fees, to be paid.
Every claim entrusted to us, regardless of the amount placed, will receive the same high quality collection effort.
Upon receipt of the debtors’ file, the designated attorney researches it and provides to ARS an overview with a recommendation as to whether litigation is a viable option. Their recommendation is based upon several factors including the debt amount, location, operational status, the ability to serve the debtor and other relevant criteria.
In the case of Judgments, an initial demand letter is sent to the debtor requesting payment in full as to the Judgment principal, along with all post-judgment interest allowed by law.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687