Accounts Retrievable Systems – Pay Your Debt Collection
Accounts Retrievable is a national collection agency that has been serving the respected needs of clients for over 30 years. We are a collection agency with integrity and follow all laws, rules and regulations in regards to debt collection. When hiring a collection agency to recover money owed to you, be sure to ask as many questions as you feel necessary to feel comfortable. We have provided questions and answers that we are most commonly asked.
If your collection agency doesn’t collect anything am I still charged a fee?
No collection, No Fee! Our fees are contingent upon successful collection of your accounts. All fees are contingent, which means we only get paid if you do. There is no minimum or maximum placement volume required.
How should I determine when an account should be sent for collection?
There are no set parameters, but a good guideline would be 90 to 150 days from date of invoice or last payment. Circumstances such as loss of contact, broken promises, mail returns or lack of response would be signs that the account should be forwarded sooner. The sooner the open items are sent to collection, the better chance for recovery. This chart shows that the longer you wait to collect your receivables, the less likely it will be that you collect those receivables.
What information do you need to collect my account?
To start the collection process we need the name, address, contact name, telephone number, fax number, and a statement showing the outstanding balance and the invoice(s) information. For Judgment Collections, a copy of the Judgment or Transcript is required. Additional backup documentation (invoice copies, contracts, etc.) can be provided at time of placement or at a later date.
Do you have a minimum number of months the account is worked by your attorneys before you close it?
No. Generally we will work a file for at least 90 days, at which time we should have a determination as to its collectability. Should circumstances dictate, we could close the file earlier (bankrupt, out of business, skip, paid, or settled) or hold them (solid contact, negotiating payment, payment plans, litigation, Judgment execution, etc.) longer.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687