Accounts Retrievable - Small Claims Court Judgment
The Sheriff’s Office can attempt to collect on an outstanding Small Claims Judgment on your behalf if the defendant does not pay within thirty (30) days of the judgment.
If after the thirty day period the defendant does not pay, you may bring or mail your judgment to us and we will attempt to collect the amount of the judgment, plus interest, fees and poundage. The fee for this is $25.00.
In order to have any success in collecting your judgment, you must provide as much information as possible to assist in our attempt to collect. The more information you can provide, the better the chance we will be able to satisfy your judgment.
If you have asked the Sheriff to execute a judgment to seize assets, you must provide as much information about the location of the debtor’s assets as possible, such as:
• Bank accounts (bank names, account numbers, savings/checking);
• Brokerage accounts and securities holdings (companies, account numbers);
• Real estate holdings (addresses);
• Vehicles owned (makes/models, years, license plate numbers); and
• Business holdings (Does debtor own any businesses? Names, addresses).
You may know some of this information or be able to find it on statements, canceled checks, bills, or other papers you have in your records. You can check with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles to find out if the judgment debtor owns a car that is registered in the state. Most important, you can obtain an “Information Subpoena,” which is a legal document that requires a person (or business entity) to answer questions about their assets. The Small Claims Court Clerk can advise you about this process.
For more information, visit the New York City Small Claims Court website.
Please note: There are additional fees involved if the Sheriff must seize personal property for auction to satisfy the judgment. Some of these costs can be substantial. This will not be done unless costs are paid in advance.
Certain property is exempt from being seized to satisfy a judgment.
Judgments from a Small Claims Court outside of New York City are not valid in New York City unless docketed in a New York State Supreme Court.
What you need to bring/send us:
• Copy of the Judgment
• Completed Request for an Execution
• Completed Creditor’s Advisory
• Check or Money Order for $25.00 made out to “NYC Sheriff”
• Send to County Office where Debtor is located
Article Source: www.nyc.gov
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687