Collection Of Alimony After Divorce

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When dividing two lives apart, divorce can sometimes be extremely difficult financially. Being awarded alimony can sometimes help to relieve this financial burden. The following is what you should know about divorce and alimony.


Sometimes one spouse relies heavily on their partner to support them, and divorce can be like pulling the ground out from under them. When a court decides that a couple has an obligation to support each other during a marriage, they can mandate that payments be made to the suffering party. Unlike child support, this is treated as income and is subject to tax deductions.


Each state has different laws surrounding this. Some require that a couple be married for a specific period of time for a payment order to be issued. In some places, it can only be paid for a certain amount of time, like half the amount of time the couple was married. Certain states have limitations on how much can be paid, whether it be a number or a percentage of income. Though there are very specific laws regarding this in many states, some still have very vague stipulations. In these states, the decision surrounding it is left largely up to the judge.


It is important to understand that there are almost no circumstances that cause a person to be exempt from payments once they have been court ordered. Even if the person required to pay files for bankruptcy, they are still responsible for making payments to their ex-spouse. If someone is delinquent in their payments, their ex-spouse can report them to a collection agency and they will then go into debt.


Alimony is often demanded from a spouse during a divorce. There are a lot of different laws when it comes to alimony payments. Understanding what you should know about divorce and alimony will help to have the most desirable result possible.


Article Source:  Wes Hagan –


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Collection Of Child Support & Alimony

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Child Support And Wage Garnishment

In New Jersey, your wages from your workplace can be served if you are the non custodial parent. The wage garnishment can include child support and spousal support better known as alimony. The wage garnishment will come out pre tax out of your net pay.


It’s important to recognize the collection of child support continues even in the event that a worker is no longer able to work and receives his or her pay through workers compensation or disability insurance. New Jersey recognizes child support as the right of the child, it is not the right of the non custodial parent.


When a workplace has been served by having a wage garnishment order, the workplace should describe any sort of changes in the non custodial parent’s employment condition to the issuing agency. Extra info on New Jersey child support assortment is provided below.


New Jersey Child Support Collection

Because New Jersey sees child support as the right of the child, and further more requires non custodial parents to protect that right, by judgement, order and decree, (not necessarily in that order) the state requires, non custodial parents to provide for expenses that are normal and necessary for taking care of a child and other costs associated with that care. Depending on the case, the order of child support may include spousal support, better known as alimony. A typical order of support will provide for the payment of the child support for financial support, child support arrearage, health care or compensation for support paid. The child support may also include lawyer fees.


That Withholds the Money

When an employer or human resource administrator gets an order for support against their worker, they should impose the order. The New Jersey definition of “employer” is offered by area 3401 (d) of the Internal Income Code, and integrates any sort of labor organization and or governmental entity. A human resource administrator or employer of further sources of repayments, from sources such as; 401k plans, pension plans, worker’s compensation, sick pay insurance. In the event that employees under a child support order become eligible for benefits, such as disability or workers compensation, the employer or human resource administrator must forward all orders of disability or workman’s compensation insurance to the New Jersey’s probation department, when the claim is to be filed. This may be a certified true copy.


When is Money Withheld

When a company receives a support order for one of their workers, they should begin withholding on the next payday following the date on the order for support. The employer is responsible, by court order, and is obligated to remit payment of withholding, each and every payday. Repayment of child support can be made through EFT which is digitally transfers monies in Money Concentration and Disbursement (CCD +) format or by Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) format or they can be remitted by check. A New Jersey workplace with greater than one worker that is subject to a support order can blend repayments for all of them. When the company blends payments, they should determine the amount owed by each worker, along with their names, case, number, and pay day date. The company must withhold and remit each pay day, implying that a New Jersey company can not collect withholdings to make one month-to-month repayment.


Orders Of Child Support That Are Out Of State

The state of New Jersey participates and observes guidelines form UIFSA which is the uniform interstate family support act. This act mandates companies to uphold and honor orders of support that they are served with, even if that order comes from out of state.


By companies doing their part and honoring and upholding out of state court orders of support, the employer should be able to keep up with and follow both the employee’s work state laws and the laws of the issuing state. When figuring out the period of the order, the amount to withhold, and where to remit payment, the company really should look to the releasing state’s laws. When determining the withholding limitations, exactly, what is included and defined as earnings that are disposable, and deductions, and when to begin and remit holding, the workplace must follow the laws of the state where the worker works.


Article Source:  Jef Henninger –


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Enforcing Payment Of Child Support

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For many families, child support is essential for their month to month survival. Enforcing this form of support is one of the most vital functions of the courts and an extremely important use of their power. Because of the crucial nature of child support payments for many families, some states are able to extend their jurisdiction to nonresidents in order to collect child support payment. For single parents or any other family that receives child support, the need is real and the courts should be able to uphold an action that they have decreed.


Some states have jurisdiction over residents of other states, or nonresidents, because of the actions or orders that were brought against them in that state. Financial support for children is one of those actions. Parents who are attempting to flee their responsibility can not escape by simply leaving the state. States have outlined regulations regarding who and how they can pursue the collection of support from nonresidents.


A nonresident of a state can still be served with a support collection action if they are in the state. So if a fleeing parent establishes residency in another state, but comes back to the state where they owe financial support to a child, they can be served with an action to collect their overdue payment. Also, if a nonresident ever resided with the child whose support the are supposed to pay, they can be served with an action by that state. Finally, if a child was conceived in a state that a person is not a resident of, they can still be within the jurisdiction of that state in regards to support payments.


Article Source:  James Witherspoon –


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Pursuing The Payment Of Child Support

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Divorce is never a comfortable or easy subject to explain to children, neither are custody issues. Once the dust settles and arrangements have been accommodated as best they could be on both sides, the children should always have access to the non-custodial parent and the custodial parent should allow for that, without bitterness, whenever possible. It is not fair otherwise, for the emotional health of the children if you do not.


However, it can be hard to do so as time goes on, especially if the ex is no longer providing the child support that they agreed to proffer every month. But, someone has to be the adult and we will show you how you can pursue child support in hopes of keeping it as civilized as possible for the children’s sake.


During the Initial Divorce Settlement


During your divorce, your attorney or your family court appointed child support attorney, should have had writs filed seeking child support from your ex, if they were not going to provide it otherwise. Even if there was a prior agreement between the two of you, it is still wise to get an order issued that sets down the exact amount to be paid every month, as well as rights of either spouse to file for changes to it. By having everything in writing, if your ex bails and stops paying the payments, you have the proof you will need to pursue a claim through child support enforcement agencies.


During the divorce, once the financial records were filed, the family court would have done the child support calculations, estimated against current and future income of the non-custodial parent, as well as the established income level of your own means and declared what the monthly child support payment should be. If your ex should default, you can then take this writ to your child support attorney, who will then file a case with the Department of Revenue, the agency responsible for handling FL child support collection actions.


Ways of Collecting What is Due


The main thing to keep in mind is that you and your attorney will be doing everything that you can to give the collection agencies all the information they need to get what you are owed. It is then up to them to pursue every legal means necessary to collect those funds, though it has proven to be difficult to effectively collect, especially if your ex is going out of their way to make it impossible to track them down. You might be surprised to learn just how creative an ex-spouse can be to avoid making their monthly payments. The gamut has ranged from actively working outside of the state, so that their income is literally non-existent, to working under assumed names or creating a record of erratic employment. All of these factors can make it hard for the Department of Revenue to get you what you need, at least at a state level.


The first level of collection is to garnish their paychecks, if they have an employer of record. This means that they have the right to withhold your ex’s pay until the back support is caught up, for however long it takes. Of course, the common retaliation is to quit that employment, because no job mean no paycheck. The next level is financial liens against property owned, garnishing bank accounts and tax refunds, whatever way they can get the cash out of them. After that, the ex is looking at jail time, suspension of their driver’s license and the forced pledging of a bond that guarantees that the arrearage will be paid.


Article Source:  Juanita Swindell –


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Student Loan Debt Collection

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Student loans fall into the category of unsecured debt – debt that is not tied to a piece of collateral such as a car or your home. When you default on an unsecured loan, the lender, and by extension, any third party debt collector trying to collect on that loan, cannot threaten to take your home or car, garnish your wages or freeze your bank account. In order to do any of that, they need to go to court and obtain a judgment against you.


One of the defenses that the consumer has in the case of unsecured debt is the statute of limitations. Once a debt has reached a certain age, the debt holder or collector can no longer go to court to seek a judgment against you. The number of years varies from state to state, but every state has a statute of limitations to prevent debts from coming back to haunt you years down the line.


One difference between most unsecured debts and student loans from the Department of Education is that there is no statute of limitations. No matter how long it has been since you took out the loan, it is still legally enforceable. The holder of the debt can go to court to seek a judgment against you for the loan.


A second difference between most unsecured debt and educational loans is that default student loans, unlike most other types of unsecured debt, are not discharged in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Except in the case of extreme financial hardship, which you must prove, you’ll still have to pay your student loans even if you file for bankruptcy.


Education Loan Debt Collection

The Department of Education also has a number of ways to collect on default educational loans that aren’t available to most bill collectors. They can, for example, “claw back” money by subtracting it from your tax refunds or from Social Security payments, as well as require employers to withhold wages from those who have defaulted on their student loans. The department sometimes sends loans to outside collection agencies. If your defaulted student loan is sent to a third-party debt collector, you’ll be responsible for paying the collection costs. If you’re taken to court over a default educational loan, you’ll be responsible for paying the court costs.


Can You Dispute Student Loan Obligations?

There are three legitimate reasons to dispute student loan obligations. The first is that you are not obliged to pay the loan. There are a number of reasons why you may not be obliged to pay the loan. Generally, you must prove that you don’t actually owe the loan, such as when your identity was stolen or you didn’t sign the promissory note for the loan, or if you’ve already paid the loan or settled it in another way. There are also certain conditions under which your student loan may be forgiven, such as if you are permanently and totally disabled. There are a number of other, usually rare, conditions under which your student loan may be discharged.


The other two reasons for disputing your student loan are to dispute the amount of the loan and to claim financial hardship. All of the situations where you may be able to dispute your student loan or attempt to have it discharged are complex and require a lot of legal work. A good collection attorney who works with student loan debt can work with you and help you to make the best case possible.


Third Party Debt Collection

The Department of Education releases a number of default loans to third party debt collectors each year. These agencies get to keep 25 cents of every dollar they collect, and are highly incentivized to do whatever they can to collect as much as possible. That being the case, it’s not unusual for these debt collection agencies to step over the line into illegal debt collection practices. Despite the differences between educational loan debt and other consumer debt, those agencies that collect on education loans must abide by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act just as any other debt collector must. If a debt collector threatens, misleads, harasses or deliberately embarrasses you, they are guilty of violating the FDCPA and may face penalties for their actions. Don’t be a victim of unfair and illegal debt collection practices. A fair debt attorney can help you understand the law and what you can do to obtain justice.


Article Source:  Sergei Lemberg –


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Getting Better At Debt Collection

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Debt collection jobs continue to rise in popularity and in fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the industry will grow by 19 percent within the decade. The job can get difficult, as it can be challenging to contact people, discuss their debt and come up with viable debt repayment plans. Whether you aim to study as a debt collector or work in the field of debt collection already, there are helpful tips to keep in mind which can guide you to becoming most effective and successful at your job.


Learn the laws. To ensure you are aware of all your options for getting an unwilling debtor and to keep yourself from getting into any legal trouble, you should understand all of the laws and learn what you can and cannot do in order to collect debt. A successful debt collector knows the laws surrounding debt collection and how and when to use them.


Call at the right time. People most often work daytime hours, typically between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Although this is obviously not the case with everyone, you have the best chances of reaching a debtor by calling after 6 p.m. on weekdays and between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the weekend.


Act sternly but not mean. Although it can become difficult when debtors turn angry and act agitated with you, keeping your attitude in check can mean the difference between getting a debtor to pay and having him shut down. People in debt are stressed out enough and living from one paycheck to the next with little spare money in between. You must keep a stern tone when speaking but remain friendly and understanding at the same time, to convince debtors to pay but also let them know you understand and are willing to negotiate.


Talk and negotiate a deal. For debtors who are unwilling or financially unable to pay back their debt, you may be able to collect at least a portion by offering to come up with a manageable debt repayment plan. For instance, you can make a deal to accept half the amount of money owed as long as the money is paid immediately in a lump sum.


Persist and have patience. Although it can be difficult at times, in order to be a great debt collector you must always be persistent and never give up just because a debtor hangs up on you, speaks rudely or refuses to pay outright. In most cases, the older a debt becomes, the harder it is to collect, so you should keep on your debtors and try different tips and techniques to recover monies owed.


Article Source:  Diana Prince –


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Top Debt Collection Tips

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Every business has its share of slow-paying and non-paying customers. Bad debt is a problem for businesses of all sizes. If you are considering dealing with non-paying customers yourself, think again. It may make sense to hire a collection agency instead. They are skilled in debt collection strategies and legal protocol, so that you can leave the task to them with confidence.


Debt collection agencies decide upon the means of collecting debt according to the type of debtor. Some debtors do not need much persuasion while others do. For many debtors, just getting a letter from a debt collection agency is sufficient to make them pay the bills. However, some difficult debtors will do anything to avoid paying the debt.


Handling difficult debtors requires patience, skill and perseverance. Difficult debtors can be easily identified by their attitude. They can claim that they do not owe the creditor any money and try to wheedle themselves out of the situation. If they acknowledge the debt, they will make every excuse under the sky to convince you of their financial difficulties and inability to pay up.


Here are some tips on handling difficult debtors:


Contact the right person: Ensure that you are talking to the right person in the debtor’s company. Do not let the debtor refer you to other people to engage you in a fruitless merry-go-round.


Be firm: Make it clear that you expect payment for the products or service that the debtor has purchased from you. You have fulfilled your side of the contract by providing the services and goods and you have every right to expect payment for it.


Be professional: Though communicating with difficult debtors can be aggravating, as a professional you need to be keep your cool at all times. You must be patient and firm. Adopting a professional and impersonal attitude helps. Do not shout, even raise your voice, abuse or threaten the debtor, on any account.


Be focussed: The debtor may try to divert you from the problem on hand by discussing personal stories and making innumerable excuses. You must keep a tight rein on the conversation at all times, and bring it back to the purpose of the meeting – to collect payment or get a commitment for the payment.


Ask questions: Interrogate the debtor on the excuses made for not paying the debt. Asking lots of questions forces the debtor to come up with believable answers and in the barrage of stories, the truth can just slip out. The debtor usually hopes that the lies will be accepted without question. Persistent questioning makes debtors uncomfortable, as they have to keep coming up with more lies to support their excuses. Avoiding a repeat performance of the interrogation prompts debtors into settling the payment.


Report debtor to credit rating agencies: Sometimes, none of the above measures will show results. This happens when the debtor is exceptionally stubborn. Inform debtors that you are being forced to report them to a major credit rating agency. Reporting debtors to credit rating agencies will affect their chances of getting credit for up to 7 years. Sometimes, the threat works and the debtor may pay up. Otherwise, you must follow the warning with action and report the debtor to the credit bureau.


Litigation: Litigation is the last resort. Warn the debtors of your intention of filing a lawsuit against them. If they do not heed the warning and pay up, make sure you follow through and file a lawsuit. This will make the debtor take collection attempts seriously and it will affirm your credibility.


Debt collection from difficult debtors is an unpleasant and arduous task. However, it needs to be done. Patience, focus, persistence and professionalism are required to handle these debtors. Warnings must always be followed by action to ensure the debtor takes collection proceedings seriously and pays the debt.


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Collecting Overdue Debt

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If you are a business owner, you will likely encounter overdue debt on a very routine basis. A huge number of customers – both individuals and other businesses – will inevitably forget, not bother, or refuse to pay their bills.


It’s easy enough to deal with the forgetful procrastinators with a couple of firmly worded overdue notices, but for those who still don’t pay, there is a time to turn things over the a debt collection agency.


When it becomes clear that a customer doesn’t intend to pay you of their own free will, turning things over to another party probably isn’t a bad idea. For example, customers that flatly deny owing you money, despite your records, are very difficult to deal with without help.


A customer making repeated, groundless claims and complaints for the sole reason of getting out of a payment, is another tell-tale sign that your business may have a problem on its hands. In cases like this, it is a good idea to send a final warning notice, attempting to create a fair repayment plan. If no action is taken by the other party, it is then time to seek help from professional debt collectors.


Another obvious sign of trouble is when a delinquent debtor changes their address or telephone number without notifying you or providing forwarding information. In cases like this, you should immediately get assistance from an agency that is willing to track down the customer and act upon the debt.


Article Source:  Jeremy Maddock –


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Steps For Debt Collection

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In American’s life, debt collection can be stressful and often impossible to fix. Here, are steps to get rid of debts.


Firstly, make a close analysis of your credit reports. Go through all bills and make a report of your situation. The second step will be to calculate your expenditure. Cut out those expenditures that are unnecessary and get rid of credit cards. Then make a budget of all bills and adhere to it.


You should set up your bills priority wise. Those that need immediate payment must be paid off soon, others may be paid in a while. Consider the interest you are paying on credit cards and loans. Those that demand more interest needs to be get rid sooner.


There is a fixed time before which creditors cannot bother you for repayment. Know the time and try to pay off the interest in that time. In case the date has expired, the debt collection of a debt statute limitation will determine how the collection of a debt will occur.


Longevity of the statute of limitations in the collection of a debt


Statute of limitations for the last day of account activity is different for different states, but it gives a generous time of minimum three years in all states. In California, the statute of demands for oral contracts is two years, and for credit card accounts, it is four years. The last date of activity of your account may be varying, from the past due date of the bill and needs, to be clarified with the credit report of account. As soon as any transaction happens the collection, debt stature of limitations will restart.


Most companies have problems related to debt collection and hire staff to handle this. Getting an attorney may be costly but it is highly effective. Legal notice gets faster attention than verbal notice. You can make the services of the attorney affordable; by the way, you approach one.


Hiring distinctive debt collection companies are also not extremely cheap. Therefore, if the legal services are availed in package deals, it is the best proposition. This package deal serves other purposes also, as while, in contract review, you can get assistance. The small business owners can get rid of hassles and headaches in many ways by the legal assistance backup.


Another help that one gets for legal assistance is that in case there is a dispute in the collection of a debt, the attorney can help. This is the best cushioning from fraud lawsuits. The attorney has kept it all ready to fight back.


Article Source:  Trevor M. Hall –


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Our Debt Collection Agency

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The Accounts Retrievable System, Inc is a national debt collection agency serving the collection needs of respected clients. Its client base includes wholesalers, retailers, credit unions, manufacturers, law firms, banks, universities, and mail order companies. The company receives claims from creditors all over the United States against debtors throughout the country. Our skilled professionals are experienced in all aspects of debt recovery.


Remedies – A Judgment entered in your favor entitles you to certain remedies under the law, enabling us to collect the balance due. These remedies may include:


– Garnishment of debtor’s bank and brokerage accounts.

– Garnishment of wages.

– Levy and execution of personal property including automobiles, boats, equipment, etc.

– Levy and execution on real estate and business assets, in exceptional cases.


Fees – Our goal is to provide fast and efficient debt collection services at competitive rates. We work on a contingency fee basis, which is standard in the collection industry. That means that if we collect, we earn a fee from the money collected. If we do not collect, there is no charge to you for our efforts.


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