Debt Collection Agencies Explained

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#debt #baddebt #childsupport - Debt Collection Agency

A Debt Collection Agency is a business that collects debts for a fee or percentage of the total amount owed on behalf of the original creditor.


While some debt collection agencies offer flat fee services, most operate on a contingency fee basis. The fee the debt collection agency charges is based on how old the debts are and how much business a creditor has to offer. The less amount of time the debt has been outstanding and the more outstanding accounts receivable a business has, the lower the percentage the debt collection agency will charge for collections.


The standard rate in the collections industry for business-to-business accounts is 30 percent. The rate for collecting consumer accounts is higher. The typical collection agency fee is in the 20 to 40% range.


This may seem like a lot, but debt collection agencies have experience with and knowledge about debt collection that individual business owners don’t have and hiring one can be well worth it if the amount of outstanding accounts receivable warrants it.


If you do hire a debt collection agency to collect your business’s debts, note that in Canada debt collection agencies are regulated by the province in which they operate. That doesn’t mean that you have to hire a local collections agency; just that you need to be sure that the collections agency you hire is fully licensed and bonded in your province.


From a consumer’s point of view, the fact that collection agencies are provincially regulated means that what a debt collection agency is allowed to do when pursuing collections also varies from province to province, although there are commonalities.


Article Source:  Susan Ward –


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Debt Collection Agency Service

By newAccts,

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The Federal Trade Commission is the primary federal regulator of collection agencies, although the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection—created in 2010 and housed within the Federal Reserve—will also have regulatory power over collection agencies. Many States and a few cities require debt collection agencies be licensed and/or bonded. In addition, many States have laws regulating debt collection, to which debt collection agencies must adhere (see Fair debt collection).


The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is the primary federal law governing debt collection practices. The FDCPA allows aggrieved consumers to file private lawsuits against a collection agency that violates the Act. Alternatively, the Federal Trade Commission or the state attorney general may take action against a noncompliant debt collection agency, including issuing fines, ordering damages, restricting its operations or even closing it down (see, e.g. CAMCO).


The FDCPA specifies that if a state law is more restrictive than the federal law, the state law will supersede the federal portion of the act. Thus, the more restrictive state laws will apply to any agency that is located in that state or makes calls to debtors inside such a state.


In addition to state and federal laws, a majority of U.S. debt collection agencies belong to trade group ACA International and agree to abide by the association’s code of ethics as a condition of membership. ACA’s standards of conduct require its members to treat consumers with dignity and respect, and to appoint an officer with sufficient authority to handle consumer complaints. Consumers may also resolve disputes brought against a debt collection agency who is a member of ACA through ACA’s consumer complaint resolution program.


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Acquire Peace Of Mind With A Debt Collection Agency

By newAccts,


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#debtcollection #collections #baddebt - Debt Collection Agency

Accumulating debt can be an extremely disturbing experience for all businesses. The procedure of making contact with individuals and companies that have unpaid can take precious time away from additional significant company issues and the concentration needed for managing a company. In such a case, engaging a debt collection agency is an ideal solution to having the entire affair handled by a source, outside your company.


One of the main benefits in appointing a debt collection agency is that you are taking the right to put your confidence on a company that specializes in making certain that you obtain the money payable to you. The people who work in these organizations are familiarized in making calls to all sorts of customers.


One more benefit is that you pay for outcomes. Debt collection agencies depend on the success of getting your customers to shell out what they are obligated to pay you, so as to obtain their individual earnings.


As a business holder, probabilities are you wont be familiar with, all of the different measures that you can lawfully utilize to gather arrears. Collection agencies are familiar with the rules and regulations and are able to raise debt collection activities to legal acts, whenever required.


Every nation has their own particular laws regarding debt collection agencies and if you have an international debt and do not know where to turn to, you must try to find a debt collection agency with international practice.


Contrasting domestic accounts, when you do business worldwide you wish to monitor all your prospective clients. It is a lot harder to collect debt internationally and you always wish to make certain that you are dealing with a reliable client. An international debt collection agency can be of great assistance to you, regarding this matter, by running background verifications and asset investigations. This way you will be acquainted with what you are getting into before you bankrupt yourself


All in all, Collection agencies enclose the essential expertise, tools and resources to recuperate debt promptly, in a competent and customer-friendly way. Tranquility and gaining money you have been assured are chief rewards of employing a debt collection agency.


Article Source: John Marshal –


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Business Debt Collection Plan

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#collections #collection #money #debt - Debt Collecting Agency

Business debt collection is when collecting payments from customers for goods or products that was made on credit basis. Past due or delinquent accounts become a priority on any business and establishing an effective collection strategy is a must. And as easy as it looks this activities are not the most pleasant ones, therefore, represent one of the most stressful activities for business owners.


Keeping track of their accounts receivable is one of the reasons business lost track of accounts that become delinquent (overdue), and the fact that most of the people, even outside of this round, are not comfortable putting pressure in other people to pay. When there is no debt collection plan for the business this may result in a financial crisis.


An effective debt collection plan must be included in all sales plan, collecting the over due account as quickly as possible and rewarding customers to keep paying on time generates a solid financial status and ensure the business stays on track.


When a customer show signs that is not paying on time or not paying at all, this doesn’t mean that you may put all you attention into this account, but been persistent with the accounts that represent problems when collecting the accounts, let’s say that a customer is going through – such as divorce, sickness or unexpected financial problems – When collecting delinquent accounts, a business owner must be on the position of support, presenting the opportunity of getting your customer the feeling that they are getting help from the collector (in this case a business owner, in-house department, etc. ) persevering in a good business relationship is a clue, in most of this cases are temporary and you can recover the debt with out compromising your business relation and the opportunity to sell or provide service to them.


Establishing an action plan depending on the needs of the business will work:


* Establishing Solid Credit Policies. When Businesses are able to identify problems before they occur it’s key, establishing credit limits, base on business credit reports, credit scores, credit history, etc. this provide lenders with a way in how good or bad are clients when is time to pay. This can be as flexible as your cash flow allows. Is advice to revise and adjust the business credit policies yearly, since after a year many things can happen like; change on laws or that a good customer just simply become a pain for other business.


* Debt Collection Plan: Keeping track of A/R, when there is many customers buying on credit basis in a period of time (e.g 30, 45, 60 days) keeping track of this accounts may represent an extraordinary effort. Activate a collection plan where includes series of friendly reminders which can be; phone calls, letters or personal visit, listen what debtors have to say, propose solutions like; payment plans, let them know when you are going to contact them expecting payment, let debtors tell you their story, but always focus the conversation in the debt itself and committing them with payments. This needs to be right away when the account become overdue.


* Debtors don want to pay. When you establish a simple debt collection plan, most of the times this works, but this is not an ideal world and facing debtors that simply wont pay, this can become an stressful experience. Debtor will push until you drop the towel and let them go away without paying. There is when a business needs to turn the account into a Debt Collection Agency, if it is business collection then a Commercial Debt Collection Agency. Commercial Collection Agencies exist because of this debtors that want to make life miserable to business that trust them with products/services, having an army to collect the delinquent account mean that a business keep their focus on their – cash flow, profit and sales – activities. The most easy way to collect this accounts is starting with a commercial collection price quote, this will show you an indication of how soon and how much can be collected.


* Repeat the cycle.


An elaborate plan can be implemented depending on the nature of the business, but when you talk with a commercial collection agency they can help business establish an in-house debt collection plan with a commercial collection support for those difficult to collect. Get an analysis of the accounts receivables and start collecting effectively.


Article Source: J. Curtis –


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Reasons To Hire A Debt Collection Agency

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#money #debtcollection - Debt Collection Agency

How long do you leave bad debts before start to get serious about debt collection? What lengths do you go to make sure that they get paid in the end? Sometimes it is simply more practical to call in the experts if you want to improve your cash flow and focus on your core business activities. If you are continually chasing debts, this means inefficiently allocating your valuable time. Debt collecting is taking you away from your core business. A debt collection agency can handle the situation in a professional manner and with specific expertise. This may be well worth the costs once you see some positive results.


Here are five reasons why you might need to contact a debt collection agency.


Shows you are serious about debt collection

How frustrating is it for you when the customer continues to ignore all your reminder notices? You may have even phoned or visited the customer in an attempt to see why your bill has not been paid.


If you have been diligent with your efforts to retrieve your bad debt it may be worth your while handing the debt over to a debt collection agency. Demand letters and telephone calls from such agencies increase the seriousness of your debt and highlight to the debtor that you are serious about recovery.


Furthermore, most debt collection agencies are strategically aligned with legal firms and can send demand letters on solicitor letterhead.


Allows you to focus on core business

By allocating your debt to debt collection agency after an agreed timeframe (ie 30/60/90 days), it will ensure that you are not wasting valuable time on collection. Since collection is not your core business, this will allow you to focus on what you do best and leave collection to the experts.


No Down Side

There is no down side in employing the services of a debt collection agency. Most agencies (such as Consolidated Collections Australia) offer their services on a ‘no collection no fee’ basis. Therefore, you will not pay unless the agency collects.


It is important to note however that you can draft your business trading terms in a way to pass on any debt collector fees on to the debtor. This will mean you will not be out of pocket at all. Speak to your debt collection agency about this.


Don’t have the time

Debt collection is a time consuming task and needs to be done properly. Decide at the beginning if you (or your staff) have the time to follow up on bad debts. Do you really want precious hours being wasted on debt collection if an agency can do the job cheaper and with less hassle for you and all involved?


Don’t have the resources

Agencies have the resources and know how to negotiate for outstanding debts. They also have specific debt collection techniques devised over numerous years of experience to give their clients the greatest chance of recovery.


If you struggle with any of the basic needs to recover debt, it will be preferable to your business to put the debt in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing.


Think carefully about the avenues you have tried and, once you have exhausted all other options, look closely at external sources for your debt collection. It makes good business sense to get that ageing debtors list back to 30 days or within your trading terms.


Article Source: John Zukerman –


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Why Hire A Debt Collection Agency

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#debtcollection - Debt Collection Agency

The rate at which people are accumulating debt and the states of the economy at the moment is quite sad. Many people are under a mountain of debt that they cannot pay back. However, there is a problem when you are one of the companies to which debt is owed. As a result of this, some companies resort to hiring a debt collection agency to recover the debt that would like resolved. The rest of this article will deal with some tips on how to hire a debt collection agency.


A debt collection agency is used by businesses or individuals to regain any money borrowed pulse the interest owed. The debt collection agency can be a third party debt collector if the original company has sold the debt to them. In another circumstance, the debt collection agency can only be contracted to act on behalf of the company the debt is owed to. When looking for a debt collection agency, you will need to check a company this is professional, effective, and trustworthy. This company will be acting on your behalf and it is important that they can effectively represent you.


First, when looking on how to choose a debt collection agency, choose an agency that is professional. As stated, they will be speaking to a customer or a client that owes you money. If the agency is not professional, this can hurt your company and your company’s name. Some debt collection agencies had been known to be one step away from threatening people to receive the money owed. This is quite unprofessional behavior and this is not an agency your company would like to be associated with. So before hiring any agency, research the reputation that they have.


Another criteria to look for on how to choose a debt collection agency would be to check if they are effective. One of the main reasons your company will let a third party represent them is because they are able to collect the money owed. Some debt collectors are very ineffective in doing so and this can frustrate the process when your company needs the money. Ask a collection agency you are thinking of hiring, if they have a proven track record collecting debt on behalf of other businesses. They should be able to give you concrete examples of having done so, to retrieve a debt.


A third tip on how to find a debt collection agency would be to choose an agency that is trustworthy. Not only will they represent your company, they will also be collecting money for your company. In some instances, there can be a discrepancy between the amount collected and the amount turned over to you. Therefore, it will be important to check the complaints history of the agency you would like to hire. Check if there has been a history of fraud and if they can be trusted to collect money on your company’s behalf. If you can find the right company, then the pressure of collecting on the debts yourself is greatly reduced.


Article Source: Judy Anderson –


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Debt Collection Agencies: Benefits

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#debtcollectionagency – Debt Collection Agency

When you’re running a business the last thing you want to worry about is becoming a collection agency for the bills that people forget to pay, refuse to pay, or just don’t pay for whatever reason. In this economy especially, with people struggling financially, the problem is worse than it was even a year ago. The time you and your employees spend with your business is precious company time, time that should be used to further the business. It should not be used for bill collections, if that’s at all possible.


Lucky for you, as a business owner, there are debt collection agencies which are ready and willing to take bill collecting off your hands. Small business debt collection agencies are specifically designed to work with you and your clients to get the bills paid. You have to pay a small fee, of course, but the fee is tiny compared to the results you’ll be getting. The employees of these agencies are trained in business collections, so they know the techniques and practices that yield results, unlike most business owners who are proficient in their area of expertise, i.e. running a business, but not always proficient in bill collecting.


You may be wondering why on earth a company would be willing to become a debt collector for another business when the fee required to secure the companies services is so small it can hardly be considered a profit. The answer lies in the bills collected. Some agencies require a percentage of the collections for their services, others actually purchase the debt off the company for a percentage of what it’s worth and then turn around and collect the debt for themselves.


In either case both sides win. The business debt collection helps the small company earn back some of its money, while the debt collection agency earns a profit for their services. Most business owners would rather get some of what they’re owed rather than none of what they’re owed. Debt collection agencies know this so they become the affordable solution.


Most businesses have some form of unpaid debt from one or more of their clients. If you are one of these businesses, don’t write the debt off as a total loss of your time and skills. Let a business collection agency help you receive some of that bad debt. Yes, you’ll have to give up some of the profits, but again, some is better than none. It will be worth it to you.


Article Source: Art Gib –


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A Debt Collection Agency Can Make Your Life Easier

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#debtcollection – Debt Collection Agency Can Help

Debt collection services exist for a very good reason. When a consumer fails to honor the agreements of his credit or loan agreement, businesses have to resort to several solutions to collect that which is rightfully due them. One efficient way of accomplishing this is by speaking to a debt collection agency with years of experience carrying out this kind of work.


There are a variety of strategies a debt collection agency will employ. This process starts when the lender or creditor sends the customer reminders that payments are late. When the customer repeatedly ignores the reminder, the company’s next move is to go to a firm offering debt collection services. Inside the most serious of situations, a company will usually make use of a lawyer who specializes in recovering debt. What occurs here is a formal lawsuit could very well be passed, allowing a legal court to acquire on the part of the company.


Generally, debt collection services don’t want to make your life difficult. They are going to begin by trying to communicate with you, identifying reasons why you are unable to pay, and figuring out acceptable terms which you can manage to bring things up to speed. Should these efforts fail, the provider may call the whole current debt due, while closing your credit account from further use.


Around this critical point, the lender may grant you with a specific timeframe to settle your account. Should you carry on and ignore this, a lender will likely hire the services of a debt collection agency, with the objective of reclaiming all or a percentage of the outstanding balance that you owe them.


When debt collection services are unable to secure payment on behalf the client, the lending company could enforce current collection laws as a way of getting a legal court pass a fair judgment against you.


If the lawsuit is a success, the judge may order a debt collection agency to begin reclaiming what is due by means of a wage deduction, or seizing and selling off assets that you own. This can be seen as a means of settling the debt. Generally, lenders and creditors look at this as a last resort, since time and effort needed to take a step of such a magnitude can be significant. In fact, this might exceed the total amount of debt that you owe.


Understand that debt collection services must conduct themselves in compliance with laws pertaining to debt collection. These are set up with regards to the jurisdiction identified within the contract’s terms and provisions. Both the debtor and lender established these at the time the business relationship was consummated.


In simple terms, if a debt collection agency uses methods not considered legal, they might be found guilty of harassment and be at the mercy of government-imposed fines and possible litigation initiated by a debtor.


Since debt collection laws differ from one country to the next, with differences between credit debt collection along with other forms, having a legal professional well-versed in these laws is critical.


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Can I Hire A Debt Collection Agency?

By newAccts,


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Accounts Retrievable Debt Collection Agency

People can incur debts in a number of different ways, such as taking out loans or buying goods and services on credit. When a person or company is owed money by a debtor, he may not always be well equipped to collect on a debt. Generally, a person who is owed money can hire a collection agency to collect payment on the debt.


Debt Agreement

• The only requirement for a debt to be collected is for the debt to be legal. In order for a debt to be legal, it must have been secured in some form of debt agreement. Many debt agreements are written down in the form of a contract, but in other cases the agreement will be made verbally. As long as both parties made this agreement, then the debt can be collected by the creditor or by her proxy, such as a debt collection agency.


Debt Collection Agency

• A debt collection agency acts as a representative of the person who is owed money. A debt collection agency is endowed with the same rights that the creditor is. While collection agencies are generally used by businesses to collect debts from clients, anyone who is owed a debt and who can afford a collection agency is legally allowed to hire one. The only exception would be if the debt contract specifically forbids the creditor from doing so.



• Generally, debt collection agencies are hired on commission. This means that the debt collection agency receives a percentage of the amount it successfully collects from the debtor. In some cases, a collection agency will simply buy a debt from a creditor. In order to hire a collection agency, a person’s debt must be large enough to make it financially worthwhile for the agency, or the creditor must be prepared to pay a flat fee for the agency’s services. These fees can range greatly. According to Buyer Zone, collection agencies will commonly charge $10 per month to send notices of collection to up to 4 accounts.


Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

• Once a person hires a debt collection agency to collect a debt, the agency must work within the confines of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This act limits the actions that the agency can take when trying to convince the debtor to pay the money back. A collection agency — and, in some cases, its client — may face penalties for violation of this act.


Article Source: Michael Wolfe –


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How To Hire A Debt Collection Agency

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Accounts Retrievable Debt Collection Agency

When you started your business, you thought of the product or service you were going to offer and the profits you were going to earn. You probably didn’t consider the fact that not everyone pays their bills, and that you might need to hire a debt collection agency.


Look for an agency that is familiar with your type of business. Strong-arm tactics that might work in one industry may fail miserably with your industry. Find an agency that has clients in your line of work. Check their reputation and references.


Know the type of debtors you have. If your debtors are mainly individuals, hire a collection agency that specializes in individuals. If not, look for a collection agency with commercial experience.


Find out how they collect outstanding debts. If they mainly mail letters, review them first to see if your clients will be receptive to them. If they use phone calls, review their telephone collection scripts. Ensure they are professional and not harassing.


Ask how the debt collection agency handles skip tracing. If the debtor has moved with no forwarding address and disconnected their phone, that usually would end the process. Skip tracing uses various databases to locate the debtor. Find out how the collection agency utilizes this practice.


Know your debtors’ geographic locations. Debt collection agency licensing differs from state to state. If you know your debtors are located in several states, find out if the collection agency can cover several states, or if they will contract out-of-state debtors to another collection agency. Ask how that impacts your costs.


Make sure the debt collection agency carriers insurance. Unhappy debtors may feel it is their right to sue annoying collection agencies. An agency with Errors and Omissions insurance can protect you and the agency from frivolous suits.


Compare costs. Debt collection agencies either charge on a contingency basis (which means they retain a percentage of the amount collected) or on a set fee that can be paid monthly or quarterly. To compare costs, determine the amount of outstanding debt and multiply it by collection agency’s success rate. If an agency has a 75-percent success rate and you turn over $100,000 in debt, the agency would theoretically collect $75,000. If an agency is looking for a 22 percent contingency fee, it would receive $16,500. Check if the contingency fee of 22 percent on a 70 percent success ratio is cheaper than a set annual fee.


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