Most people have never hired a debt collection agency. But when you are owed unpaid child support, unpaid spousal support, or have not collected a judgment that you have won, you may need to hire a debt recovery agency to recover your money. In other circumstances, your business may have past due debts that you need to claim. You may not have the monetary resources or the staffing to be able to recover debts while maintaining your regular business. Whether you need to collect retail collections or child support, Accounts Retrievable is your solution to collecting debt.
Here are some frequently asked questions when hiring a debt collection agency:
– Do you have a minimum debt you will collect on?
We accept the minimum claim account of $1,500.00
– Do you collect international debts?
Yes, Accounts Retrievable is well versed in international laws and practices and collect international debts
– What do I have to pay upfront?
Nothing! We work on a contingency fee basis upon successful debt collection
– How do I place my accounts for collection?
Whether you have one claim of unpaid child support or thousands of consumer collection, placing a claim with Accounts Retrievable is simple. You can place through our website, email, or fax. Once we have all the information we need, we will get started on the collection process.
Whether you are dealing with consumer collections, retail collection, debt recovery, judgment enforcement and judgment collections you may need to hire a third party agency. It is beneficial to utilize a debt collection agency when recovering your debts and judgments. Most people and businesses do not have the time or know-how to go about collecting judgments and collecting unpaid debts. It is important to utilize an experienced debt collection agency such as Accounts Retrievable so that you can collect your money from debtors.
Here are a few tips when choosing a debt recovery agency:
Proven Quality: When you choose a debt collections company, you want to be sure they have excellent experience and have proven results. The company’s services should be able to be tailored to your individual needs. Whether you have one claim or thousands, Accounts Retrievable System is able to collect your judgments and will not stop until all your claims are satisfied.
Global Agency: It is important to a debt collections agency that has access to internationally based debtors. It is also important when attempting to resolve international debt collection that you chose an agency with an experienced team of accountants that are well-versed in the international laws. Accounts Retrievable has extensive experience in debt collections that are located internationally. We also have qualified skip tracing capabilities so that your debtor cannot hide from us in another country. Whether you need to collect international consumer collections, international retail collections, or other international judgment collections, ARS has the experience and knowledge to recover debts.
Debt Recovery Litigation: At some point in the debt collection process, litigation is the only available course of action left. It is important to use Accounts Retrievable where we can facilitate fast and cost effective actions against your debtor. We satisfy nationwide debt collections so we have a strong understanding of local and state laws in regards to debt recovery. If you attempt to collect your judgments on your own, it is at this point in the process where you will incur legal and court fees. Choosing a debt collection agency such as Accounts Retrievable will help you curb these fees since we work on a contingency fee basis.
At Accounts Retrievable System we handle a variety of judgment collections. We are a versatile debt collection agency that can assist you with your judgment enforcement. We serve New York, the entire United States and even satisfy global claims.
We are experienced in all types of debt recovery including:
– Retail collections
– Child support collections
– Commercial collections
– Consumer collections
– Judgment enforcement
– And other judgment collections
Most people and companies will find it difficult and frustrating when debtors refuse to pay them. They should not be allowed to get away with this! Your unpaid debt not only can disrupt you as a creditor, but can affect your daily business activities. With a debt collection agency such as Accounts Retrievable our extensive experience and understanding of debt collection can help you recover your debt.
The most common scenario we experience as a debt collection agency is that the debtor simply has cash flow issues. Debtors may be willing to pay their unpaid child support or other unpaid debt, but lack the means and sense of urgency to do so. As a debt collections agency, ARS will create that sense of urgency with persistence, persuasiveness, and professionalism.