Collecting rent can be difficult enough for a landlord, when tenants don’t feel obliged to pay their rental agreement. What’s worse, however, is trying to collect a judgment from the tenants after they’ve moved out and left you with $5,000 in damage to the property and unpaid rental payments. Still, it can be done, and should be done, even though in most cases the landlord doesn’t actually collect their money for some time to come.
To begin, a judgment (or money judgment) refers to a legal right to collect a debt. When one person sues another person (such as a landlord taking a tenant to rent court for violating the rental agreement), they aren’t given a check right there in court, they’re merely given legal permission to collect money from another person. It’s also worth mentioning that every has their own laws governing debt collection practices, so landlords who are serious about collecting a judgment would be wise to do some research on their state’s judgment collection laws.
Still, there are many common practices across state lines, and some consistencies that allow for a general overview of the judgment collection process. The first step, after the judge awards a judgment, is that the judgment must be recorded by the winning party, in the jurisdiction where the court resides. Then, generally after a waiting period, the landlord can apply to the court for an Order of Execution (sometimes called a Writ of Execution), which then shows up in public records and appears on the tenant’s credit report. In some cases, the tenants are educated enough to know how damaging this is to their credit, and the threat of this alone will be enough to persuade them to write you a check.
In many instances, a judgment will attach as a lien to a piece of property owned by a tenant, for example their car (or real estate, if they own any). You can also petition the court to garnish tenants’ wages, and be paid back from the tenants’ pay check each month. These methods prove the most effective for a landlord to collect tenant judgments, but there’s an important prerequisite: before you can try to seize assets or garnish wages, you have to know of their existence!
There are two excellent reasons for screening tenants carefully: first, you can avoid most of the rotten apples through thorough tenant screening, but secondly, you can discover their assets and sources of income long before you even have a dispute with them. Have each tenant fill out a comprehensive rental application, to help you get started with screening them, and before even considering signing a rental agreement with them.
Generally speaking, judgments stay on record for twelve years, and the landlord can extend the judgment for an additional twelve years if desired. Further, landlords are entitled to collect interest for elapsed time before collection, so even if several years pass before you can collect the judgment, the chances are strong that they will eventually be forced to pay you.
Whether you collect the judgment yourself or hire a collection agency, as a landlord there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to collect those judgments from tenants who ruined your rental property, violated your rental agreement, and left you with a stack of their bills to pay. It may take time and patience, but time you have, and the pleasant reassurance that at some point in the next twenty-four years, those tenants are going to want that judgment off of their record.
Debt is nothing but something owed, such as money, goods, or services. Debt is an obligation or liability to pay or render something to someone else. Debt collection is an activity to collect dues owed by a company. That is, collecting of a debt, collecting of money owed. Debt collection attorneys and collection lawyers are specializing in collections, money owed and debts.
International debt collection is similar to the standard method with the exception of creditor and debtor is in different countries. There are not many companies that specialize in this sort of process as there is a requirement to have many dissimilar language speakers in-house plus knowledge of the dissimilar legal systems and laws that are in place around the globe.
This process is basically in two ways i.e., Commercial and Consumer Collections. Consumer Collections engage activities that happen and sandwiched between a business and a consumer. Another most important form is Commercial Collections. It deals with debts owed from one business to another business. It is less in harmony.
In our time, debtors are far more devious and savvy than ever before. This development is creating a hard situation even tougher for creditors in all industries. In reply, it creates sense for creditors to put into operation a further insistent approach to combat delinquencies by via Debt Collection Attorneys at the pre-litigation point. They stack the probability in favor of creditors by mingling the impact and knowledge of an attorney with the diverse skills and wherewithal of a seasoned debt collector.
They dedicate themselves in collections/creditor rights and represent businesses, collection agencies, banks, credit unions and health care providers, along with other commercial creditors in the collection of debts, in addition to the protection and enforcement of creditor rights and remedies, as well as remedies when a debtor has filed for insolvency protection.
Attorneys are equipped to hunt for and make use of all opportunities to collect debt with the intention of maximizing your chances of debt recovery. The key to the success of Debt Collection Attorneys be acquainted with what to do, when to do it, having the superlative people in the industry to do every task, plus having the apt oversight to pull it all together.
There is lots of mystifying legal procedures implicated with getting a debtor to pay back a debt. The knowledgeable Debt Collection Attorneys can be able to assist you limit your own liability and enhance your probabilities of collecting the debt. If you seize the debtor to court, the Attorneys will assist you secure a judgment in opposition to the debtor, thereby rising your probability of collecting the debt.
Most companies do not have a debt collection department. This means that the collection of debt often falls onto the employees. Most employees are not happy with this task and generally are not successful. Since it is important that debt recovery be successful if you want your business to succeed, you need to ensure that you have the best professionals on the job. For some businesses this means hiring a debt collection agency.
Commercial debt collection agencies exist so that businesses do not have to handle collection of debt on their own. The right debt collection services are those that have expertise in handling the collection of debt successfully. The debt collectors that you select are vital to your business. If they do not have proven results bypass them and move on to someone else. You need only the best collections agency to help you.
Debt collection is a serious matter because it could impact your finances dramatically. Without incoming cash the outgoing cash could be too low. In other words, you may not be able to pay your expenses if you do not collect your debt. The sample answer is to have the right professional handle the job.
If you do not pursue the collection of debt as you should, your company could end up in financial distress. The income that you receive from your customers is vital to cover the expenses that your business has. This is why many businesses rely on commercial agencies. A collections agency has the skills and expertise to collect your debt from customers that have not paid.
It is very important that you choose the debt collectors wisely. You need a debt recovery collection company that is able to provide results. This means they need education, training and experience in the collection of debt. The collections agency you select should have proven results and be able to provide you with the information you need quickly and easily.
Debt collection services are available to assist you and help you to regain the financial compensation your business deserves. This will allow you to continue to offer payment plans to customers. After all, customers that have not proven themselves untrustworthy should not be punished for those who are. Debt collection is a necessary part of business and should be handled by professionals.
Commercial debt collection agencies are professionals that are highly trained in this art of collecting. They know how to achieve the results that you want. The right professional will work with you to meet your goals successfully. Do not focus your energy or insist that your employees work on debt collections when you can hire a professional for the job.
Business to business debt collection is altogether a different process as compared to the process of debt collection from an individual. There is no valid excuse that a debtor can give for not paying the money you deserve. Therefore, once a business debtor has owed you money for quite some time, there is nothing wrong in putting all your efforts to get the money. Since you will not like to do business again with a company that fails to pay your money in time, there is nothing for you to lose here. However, before you begin the business to business debt collection process, you must be clear of your sole objective i.e. getting the money paid in full. Don’t agree to settle on anything less than what is committed by your client.
Firstly, you need to understand that there is nothing wrong in threatening your client regarding legal action. A notice threatening legal action can serve as a public record regarding your efforts for recovery, and your client’s failure in making the payment. Indirectly, this will put your client as a thief and will provoke him to make the payment in order to save his business image. Remember that business to business debt collection is not an easy task, and you need to put in your wholehearted efforts to get the result or money you want. The debtor may have already given you thousands of excuses and set-aside thousands others just for you. Therefore, don’t get convinced with what the client is saying. Instead, try convincing him that you mean a fair business.
In business to business debt collection, it is very important that you approach the right person. Don’t waste your time messing around with junior employees or mediators. They don’t have the authority to sign the checks. Directly approach the person that authorized the purchase. He cannot get away by asking someone else to ignore your invoices. Call him as many times as needed, and even after the office time is over. Let him know that you are disappointed and angry. Since there is no future business, there is no need to carry business etiquette here. However, it is good to avoid going to a level that can harm your business reputation.
If even after repeated trials and all the notices you are not able to collect your debt, it will be a good idea to hire a business to business debt collection agency. They are expert in making both individual and business to business debt collection and the chances are fair that they will be able to help you get your money.
If you are a business owner who performs services or sells a product on credit, chances are at some point you will have a delinquent customer. Account receivables should be considered an asset to your business not a liability that is holding your business back. If you have customers who have stopped paying or never paid, then a debt collection agency will help your business. It is easy to put this aspect of the business off, but by doing so you risk losing hard earned income.
As a business owner, attempting to collect a past due payment can be a challenging task. You may attempt to contact the past due customer by phone, but technology allows the customer to avoid the calls easily. A business owner can send a collection letter to notify the customer of the past due payment. However, unless you have experience in creating collection letters this can be time consuming and you may not receive benefits from your efforts.
Hiring a debt collection agency can be a decision that carries several benefits. First, you can focus all of your time and efforts into obtaining new clients and growing your business. An experienced debt collection agency will create effective debt collection letters in a much more timely fashion. Secondly, a common issue with a delinquent customer is locating them. Typically the phone number originally provided is disconnected. An experienced debt collection agency will use cutting edge skip tracing technology to locate the past due customer and obtain payment. Some customers had every intention to pay, but hard times have prevented them from payment or they have simply forgotten. In many cases the customer will not only pay the debt, but will continue to do business with the company in the future.
An effective debt collection agency that will work with your small business can be a priceless asset. It will not only improve your cash flow, but will allow you to give out credit to higher risk customers than your competitors. The next time you are frustrated with late paying customers, remember the benefits of hiring a debt collection agency.
Here are some sound debt collection techniques that can be followed by businesses to mitigate the bad debt crisis:
– Hiring a debt collection agency.
– Doing it yourself.
– Sending A Pre-Collection Letter
Most businesses don’t want to “play the bad cop” with their clients, so they approach a debt collection agency, which for a nominal fee sends a notice to the defaulter asking him or her to pay up.
Remember, a notice from a debt collection agency is much more effective than the notice from your company itself. It tells the defaulting customer that you have now hired a professional help to collect the dues and, thus, it increases chances of customer paying up the debt faster. The ‘fear factor’ of credit rating damage is associated with debt collection agencies.
Hiring a Debt Collection Agency
A debt collection agency under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is one that recovers debt on behalf of others. It employs various methods to recover dues from errant customers:
Debt collection calls are a necessity in debt recovery. Handling the collection call in a calm and professional manner can make the difference upon which collections are made or lost.
Skip tracing is a detection method adopted to find a debtor who has absconded either intentionally or unintentionally.
Forwarding occurs when a collection agency forwards a debtor’s account to another collection agency, possibly because it does not have the authority to conduct business where it is currently located.
Flow Forwarding is a novel concept in which a collection agency contracts with a business to purchase all its bad debts on a periodical basis.
Doing It Yourself
As mentioned earlier, most businesses suffer from bad debts because of a lack of a clear debt management policy. Most organizations would minimize their debt management if they had clearly defined credit policies. Moreover, a clear understanding of the law needs to be had before a business drags its clients to court. This is the tedious bit and therefore businesses need to be very sure with their preparation.
Bad debts affect small businesses more than large businesses. Large businesses have the buffer to survive bad debts while small businesses do not. If small businesses do not get payments on time, they cannot reinvest in the business for lack of funds and have to stop operations. Many businesses have actually shut down because of their inability to recover bad debts.
Why is it difficult for small businesses to collect bad debts?
Some of the factors that make collecting debt especially difficult are described below:
Avoiding unpleasantness: Collecting debt is an unpleasant task. As the business is small, its focus is on getting more business and retaining existing customers. Despite the fact that customers are in the wrong in delaying payments, the business will not remind them of the dues too often for fear of losing further business. Customers understand the predicament of small businesses and take advantage of it.
Short of resources: Small businesses do not have the resources to recover bad debts. Collecting debt requires keeping accurate records of debt and credit transactions, sending out reminder letters regularly, calling up customers, visiting customers and regular follow up. This needs time, manpower and money. Small businesses are short of all three.
Using in-house staff to collect debt: Small businesses try to save money by recovering bad debts themselves. The business gives the responsibility of debt collection to an Accounts Receivables person. This is not very effective and rarely results in quick debt recovery.
Firstly, the Accounts personnel are already swamped with work, and cannot put in the required time and effort to collect debt. Secondly, debt collection is a delicate task that needs to be handled with finesse. Accounts personnel can in fact spoil your customer relationships by being tactless. Thirdly, in-house personnel may not be aware of the state and federal laws regulating debt collection. Violation of these laws will cost your business more by landing you in legal trouble.
How does a debt collection agency help small businesses?
Debt collection agencies can help small businesses improve their bottom line considerably. Many collection agencies deal with small business accounts, and charge accordingly. The fact that you have partnered with a debt collection agency will make customers take you more seriously.
Debt collection agencies have skilled staff trained in debt collection strategies. They are well-versed in debt collection laws and have a professional and cordial approach towards customers. The collection agencies will charge a fixed rate or a percentage of the debt they collect. They have greater incentive to recover debt faster.
Debt collection agencies collect debts through a four-phase process. The process involves sending out demand letters to the customer, contacting customer through phone, reporting customer to a credit rating bureau and filing a lawsuit in case of non-payment.
The demand letters or notices sent out by the debt collection agency give details of the debt, the amount due and a payment due date. The third and last demand letter warns the customer of being reported to a credit rating bureau if the payment is not settled by the specified due date. The warning will push most customers into settling their dues as a report to credit rating bureaus will hurt their creditworthiness.
Debt collection agencies fall cheaper in the longer run, as they recover the bad debts you would otherwise write off. Debt collection agencies will recover your debts in a professional manner, thereby enhancing your customer relationships. With a debt collection agency as your partner, you can focus on your business operations without worrying about funds.
Credit is an essential requirement in any business. Flexibility in payment is required by all businessmen to coordinate between their business operations and make and receive payments from their other business contacts. However, when the payments get delayed by too much time, it can become a problem. Many businesses see large amounts of due payments being written off as bad debt accumulate in their accounts. As these figures grow bigger, it may be better to hand over the responsibility to an expert i.e. a debt collection agency rather than trying to deal with it yourself.
Why do you need a debt collection agency?
For one thing, the truth is that if a debtor has not made the payment for a long time, there are very few chances that he/she would be looking forward to making this payment soon. Hence, without professional help it may not really be possible to get that debt back. It makes sense to give out a part of the amount as commission and get the rest of your debt back rather than losing out on the whole amount. Secondly, it requires a lot of time as well as effort to trace the debtors who are not reachable. Many businesses cannot afford to take time away from their core businesses. Moreover, even if you do trace the debtor, there is no guarantee that it might actually result in you getting back your debt. Taking legal action is a complicated process and would again require a lot of time. Legal action also involves the businesses spending money upfront with no guarantee of payment even after a judgment is entered. Also, at times you cannot afford to ruin your business relations with a company for previous payments. Giving the responsibility to a third party makes the process more formal and you do not have to interact directly with the debtor.
How can a professional debt collection agency help?
The debt collection agency is a professional expert in collection of debt on behalf of the creditor that works for you for a certain commission when they are successful in getting your claim amount. Once you hand over an account to them, you can be assured that they will make their best efforts to recover it, as their commission depends on it. You should seek a debt collection agency that works on the policy of no collection no charges payable and has a proper procedure in place to recover the amount. Debt collection agencies usually first send a letter to the debtor and follow up with some more correspondence. If there is no response, then personal communication with the debtor is undertaken, which is effective in most cases as it is not a good experience to get a call from a debt collection agency and most debtors take it seriously. Yet, if this is unsuccessful, then they can file a suit on the debtor on your behalf.
You know that cash is and always will be king. One of the biggest drains on small business cash flow is often out of control past due accounts receivable. I have seen business owners try to tackle the problem by cutting off any new credit and thus running themselves straight out of business. There is an easier way.
You can instantly begin to collect more of your past due receivables by making it a priority. Most small businesses that I come across have a haphazard method of collecting receivables in the best of scenarios. In the worst cases, their collections are non-existent.
The very first thing you should do in your business is put someone in charge of collections. Now, it can be an existing employee who takes on an extra duty or if your receivables are large enough and collection would be lucrative enough, you can even hire someone to fill a full-time position. That will be up to you and to the size and severity of your problem.
However, a funny thing happens when you put someone in charge. Someone who will be judged and evaluated at least partially on how well they perform this function. All of a sudden, collecting your past dues becomes a priority. You see, your employees take their cue from you. If you constantly complain about your past dues, but do little to alleviate the problem, they will understand that it is not a priority for you, otherwise you would take steps to improve the situation. By giving someone responsibility and holding them accountable, you have just demonstrated in no uncertain terms that collection of past dues IS a priority.
In addition, you’ll want to set specific targets and goals for improvement in the amount of collections. You’ll want to have regular meetings to discuss progress and plans for the future. In order to be taken seriously, you’ll need to have at least weekly meetings, if not more often. These need not be long, drawn out time wasters just for the sake of having a meeting, they can be short, sweet and to the point. Where were you at the last meeting, where are you now, what or who are you having particular problems with and how should we address those problems. Give them responsibility and hold them accountable.
Certainly, you will want to give your employee some training, some guidelines, scripts and letter templates, but once you have given him/her some training, you’ll see an instant improvement in your cash flow plight. What was once a low priority is now a high priority. You’ll be amazed at what these simple steps can do to improve your collections.
If you are like many small businesses, even a few late payments on your accounts receivable can seriously crimp your cash flow. It is vitally important that you take immediate and systematic steps to limit the number of past due receivables that you have at any time. The number one strategy is to have a system in place that limits the number of accounts that go past due in the first place. There are numerous tools and strategies for doing just that. However, today, we will concentrate on how to deal with the past dues once they appear.
Here are some tips that will help you to reduce your outstanding receivables:
– Address the issue immediately. Never wait more than 3 business days past the due date to contact the customer. This allows for mail delays, but is early enough to catch a situation before it becomes worse.
– When you contact customers, don’t give them an excuse to use (“Did you receive your invoice?”). Rather, ask them, “When did you send your payment?” If they tell you it hasn’t been sent, ask them if they intend to send it today. If they say “no,” ask when they expect to send it. Get a commitment from them and follow up if the commitment is not honored.
– Ask your customers why they haven’t paid your bill. Remember, if they are honest with you, you should treat them with the utmost respect. Everyone has cash flow issues from time to time and your treatment of them will be remembered long after their problems are over and they are looking to purchase products or services that you offer again. As a matter of fact, proper etiquette when collecting could not only result in you getting paid more quickly, but can also allow you to keep them as customers for life. You see, if they are indeed having problems, chances are there will be many who will not treat them very well and this will sour their relationship going forward.
– If you get an excuse, remove your emotions from the equation and address the situation logically. Get a definitive commitment on a date or time frame for when you can expect to receive payment from them. Make sure you are in agreement, so that there can be no claims of misunderstanding later. Find out how (mail, credit card, etc.) and when. Then note the conversation in your file so that you can follow up immediately if the commitment is not honored.
– If they give you a good reason (“My product was defective”), try to remedy the situation, if it is within your control. For example, if you find that the product was indeed defective, make certain that a new, defect free product is delivered immediately.
– If your customer is a larger company, understand that they will generally pay their invoices on a set schedule. You will need to know when your invoices need to be received by them in order to be included in their weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly payment cycle. If you find yourself with a past due from one of these companies, be sure to call or contact them several days prior to that time to make certain that they have all the documentation they need to include your invoice with their payments.
These are just some of the many proven steps you can take to collect your receivables once they are past due. To limit future past dues, you will need to revisit your entire process. To compete in business today, you will almost certainly have to have some level of credit for your customers. The key is to limit it to those who will pay you! If your process needs an overhaul, it is important to tackle that issue immediately. While sales are important, it is still cash that is king!