Accounts Retrievable Systems - Fair Debt Collection Act
What is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?
In today’s economy more and more people are being laid off or fired and this leads to more and more past due debts. We are seeing record levels of charge offs by bank in terms of credit card receivables. The levels of foreclosures are higher than at any time in the past. Automobile loan delinquencies are at record levels as well. In fact all across the board consumers as falling past due on credit cards, mortgage payments, lines of credits, auto loans, department store charges as well as any other type of debt you can think of.
Well having said that there is a certain class of workers that is not affected by the economy and that happens to be debt collectors. That’s right. Those are the people calling you when you fall past due on your debts. You will probably receive some reminder calls and depending on the severity of your delinquency you could also receive some not so nice letters asking you to pay or make contact with the creditor so that arrangements can be made.
In today’s economy you are going to find that debt collectors are more willing to work with you because most companies do not want to see more of their receivables being charged off to bad debt. Most will even settle with you for pennies on the dollar.
There was a time in the past when this was not the status quo. In times past debt collectors would call and make threats and demands in order to get you to pay a past due debt. Some threatened you with bodily harm while others claimed you would have to spend some time in jail for not paying your debts. In other cases you would receive phone calls at all times of the night including visitations to your front door. Basically anything was acceptable when it came time to collect a debt.
Well because of this outrageous behavior the government enacted a program called the fair debt collection practices act which basically governs the activities of third party debt collectors.
There are some things that they cannot do such as the following:
Calling hours:
Debt collectors are required to call you between the times of 8:00 am until 9:00 pm eastern standard time. This ensures that you don’t receive calls at 10:00 pm or at 7:00 am in the early am
Calling your Job:
Debt collectors cannot call your job if you request that they do not. However it is always best to put such a request in writing.
Debt collectors cannot make a threat that they do not intend to carry out.
Friends and neighbors:
In the past debt collectors would call your friends, relatives, and references and disclose your information to them primarily the fact that you are past due on your debts. They would use this as a leverage to get you to pay. Well today they can call your friends and relatives and leave a message but they cannot disclose the nature of the call.
Deceptive practices:
Debt collectors cannot use any type of deceptive manner in order to get you to pay your debt.
Jail time:
They cannot threaten you with jail time.
If a collection agency calls you they must state that the purpose of the call is to collect a debt and any information received from you will be used for that purpose.
Article Source: www.voices.yahoo.com
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