Accounts Retrievable Systems – Information About Judgment Collection
Accounts Retrievable is your global resource for international collections. We accept a broad variety of accounts such as Judgments, Commercial & Consumer accounts and we specialize in collecting Unpaid Child Support and Unpaid Alimony (Spousal Maintenance). The minimum account we will collect on is $1,500. There are not upfront fees, all of our fees are contingent upon successful collection of your accounts. All of our fees are contingent, we only get paid if you do.
If you are looking for an easy way to place your account or accounts, we have an easy placement system on our website. Whether you have one account to place or a large volume you can place them through our website, e-mail or by fax. We have made our placement process completely customizable so you can place you account in the easiest manner for you.
Determining the best time to place your account may vary due to your specific situation. Although there are no set parameters, we suggest that a good guideline would be 90 to 150 days from the date of the last payment or invoice. There are some situations in which you should place your account sooner such as loss of contact, broken promises, mail returns or lack of response. The sooner you place an account with us, the better chance that we have to recover your money.
Information that we need to start the collection process are the name, address, contact name, telephone and fax number and a statement from you showing the outstanding balance and invoice(s) information. Judgment collections require a copy of the Judgment or transcript. All additional backup documentation can be provided at the time of placement or at a later date. Backup documentation includes invoice copies, contracts, etc.
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687