Accounts Retrievable Systems - Commercial Collection Agency
This year, in our economy, bad news appears more often. And the law of cause and effect applies to this situation, the economy struggles, then Commercial Debt Collection raise up. This is a situation well known for business owners.
When we think about commercial debt, we focus in corporate or mid-size business / small business. A Commercial Collection Agency separates them self from a regular consumer collection agency, this service is not just simply better, is about different function, one serves consumers, commercial collection is for corporates or business to business, where they mix a regular investigative work, in order to track your debtor, and find as much possible information of debtors assets, and the power and technology to recover the money that is owed to a business.
A Commercial Collection Agency besides the debt recovery service, works hand to hand with their clients in order to uncover possible fraud and securing the past due accounts and the bad debt. Now this industry has evolve and adapt to many new situations like; fraud, identity business theft, skip tracer technologies, etc. Also knowing the laws on every state that apply for your bad debt, is also a mayor role in this game. The interaction with your clients and the commercial collection agency, needs to be objective, respectful, but not a love letter, remember that a Commercial Collection Agency will represent your business, and you work very hard to maintain your customers, so you want to maintain clean relationships and collect your bad debt.
There is situations that one of your customers fall into the miscommunication, misunderstandings and for them with out knowing their accounts ended it up in a commercial collection agency, some can fit in this situation, but typically this accounts get pas due with all knowledge.
A Commercial Collection Agency locate debtors assets base on the investigative work, using the latest technology like collection software, creating a profile of your bad debt, and most times you can monitor the activity of debtors profile where you can see financial debtor information and the collection activity. Because all debtors are not the same and clients work in different ways, this techniques often formulate an effective plan for the business owner, so they collect their bad debts, and help them not fall into delinquent accounts, cash flow strategies, A/R management, credit policies, etc. so at the end of this experience you are better prepared and organized with your integral collection program.
If you want to experience of freedom collecting your bad debt, place one of your accounts for a “test drive”, get a free price quote from certified and qualified Commercial Collection Agencies and decide for yourself.
Accounts Retrievable Systems - Employing Debt Collection Services
With the changing economy of the countries, the people are fast moving towards debt incurring society where many consumers have moved towards huge debt scenarios which need to be get ridden of as soon as possible. The increasing dependence on credit cards and plastic money has left little to do with some liquid cash and where the financial institutions like banks and money launders have to take the help of third party debt collectors.
Today numerous multinational companies work on the model of taking huge loans and then investing in their different projects and assignments. They often take these loans with some pre decided guarantee or on their market reputation. They put it to the best use possible and make sure that it turns out to be a profitable deal so that they can return the same without any problem.
If there is some sort of problem and the company’s initiative fails then the financial institution takes in the services of the corporate debt recovery agencies which have thorough expertise in solving such cases according the needs and situations of the people with little or no problems at all. The agencies make sure that both the sides have ease in solving the situation where it may arrange for some sort of installments for the company which has to pay debt.
The debt collection agency is one which hires well versed and certified professionals who understand the integrity of the deals and make sure that their decisions and well in accordance to the law and convenience of both the parties involved.
Debt collection is sometimes a difficult procedure if the parties involved are not very corporative.
If you are looking for some company then one can surely trust the services of the internet which offers a wide range of companies which can be dealt with and hired to deal with employees. Through the mode of internet one can keep a track of the previous track record of the company in different fields and industries where they have worked for collecting debt. The clients will get an eye opener as to what do and what they should expect in return.
The well versed companies will surely ensure that the reputation of the other company is kept in close guard without any kind of damage to the same. The international standards would be well adhered to so that after the debt collection the company can restore to their schedule.
Accounts Retrievable Systems – Is A Collection Agency Right For You?
If you own or manage a business and have invoiced your customers for products or services rendered and have had a hard time collecting your accounts receivable then a commercial collection agency could be a good fit for your business.
A commercial debt collection agency can work on your behalf to contact your customers that are behind on paying their invoices.
When the debt is owed to your business, it is possible to lose sight of reality while trying to collect this money. Some feel that when they hire a commercial collection agency that they are instantly going to make their debtors lives miserable, and eventually be able to take everything that they own away from them to pay for the debt. But, that is not how the system works.
Commercial collection agencies charge a fee, or take a percentage of the collected money as a fee for a series of actions that are designed to have the creditor pay his debt willingly. When these actions do not work, the commercial collection agency will put the person who is owed money into contact with an attorney for the purpose of filing a law suit. This suit will often end in an order that allows for garnished wages or attached assets.
In the United States of America, people are exempt from having their wages attached if they are below a certain amount and if they do not have any money in the bank, there is no money to get. Further, if a person’s personal belongs are ordered to be sold to pay the debt, they are allowed to keep an amount required for normal living conditions, a car not worth too much money, and their home.
In other words, you can lose a lot of money in collections procedures along the way and wind up at the end holding the bag on the debt, and all collections costs as well. When hiring a commercial collection agency to help you to collect money owing to you, keep your eyes open and count every penny spent along the way.
If the commercial collection agency costs are getting to be too high, tell your commercial collection agency that you are done with the project. It is your job to decide when to stop trying to collect the debt owing to you, not the agencies. Commercial collection agencies will continue to try to collect money for you and run up fees until you tell them to stop.
Accounts Retrievable Systems - Get Your Money Back!
One of the ways in which companies often lose lots of funds is through bad debts. This type of loss is very hard to anticipate as one can seldom be definite whether one’s debtors will truly pay or not. Though, it is not actually feasible to carry out trade in a competitive environment, if one does not conduct few deals on credit, nowadays.
To avoid these kinds of situations, one should seek out assistance from a debt collection agency, as early as possible, since the probabilities of recuperating money from a debtor who is not eager to pay off rises, if experts begin the case after the case is excessively delayed. If your debtors realize that you will do whatsoever it takes to recuperate the debts, they will surely make an effort to pay you back.
The most important reason why it is an excellent idea to recover money via a debt collection company is that they are acquainted with the most efficient methods of getting the cash out of people who are hesitant to pay back. For instance, they will initially mail letters to the debtor and update them about the penalties of not returning the money. Then they may take authorized steps. They know how to get the court orders required, connecting the property or trimming the earnings of the debtors. They can moreover acquire the court orders which are essential, to perform debtor inspections. One should reveal all their financial information to the allocated debt collection agency, in regards to, bank accounts, invoices, and photocopies of mails, any promissory comments, payment records, and additional officially permitted transactions.
Though, there are various debt collection agencies, but, not with similar credentials.
One should go for a top business collection agency which can efficiently handle the debt collection service. It is ideal to make sound inquiries before you get into an agreement with any agency. Explore about their status in the industry. Always verify the experience, credentials, and goodwill of a firm. You can always ask for suggestions from its previous or present customers
One of the main benefits of working with a collection agency is that you simply pay a cost if they effectively collect the file you offered them. On the other hand, this proportion may fluctuate with the amount of debt and probable level of complication in collection.
Accounts Retrievable Systems - Debt Collection Agency
To manage a business beneficially, every owner has to stay ahead of their receivables and verify their cash flow. Whether you endorse an item for consumption or put forward a service, you most likely have to cope up with the late-paying or non-paying clients, from time to time. That means, you should have a sound, dependable internal debt recovery strategy prepared, all the time. Part of your strategy should incorporate, knowing when to outsource difficult accounts to a debt collection agency.
One can always sign up an international debt collection agency, when in need to recuperate debts from an international client.
When hiring a debt collection agency, you have to make certain that they are approved in the countries where your debtors are placed. As collection rules can be different extensively, it’s to your benefit to look at collection agencies that are practiced internationally. Since we survive in such a transient society, and with people moving across country lines frequently, it’s better to be on familiar terms with a debt collection agency that is official in various countries and are proverbial with all the diverse rules and regulations. In reality, collection agencies can only gather debts in the countries they hold an authorization in.
Fee constitution for debt collection services can vary to a great extent with different collection agencies. A few put forward prepaid, flat fee provisions, at the same time as others charge, a share of any dues accumulated, normally with no upfront costs required. Still others can put forward some merger of the two. Conditional on your enterprise, there are advantages to either situation.
Make certain the debt collection agency you’re taking into consideration, spells out their fee arrangement clearly in writing.
As your expenses are set, you can furthermore turn over challenging accounts more rapidly, when there’s a better possibility for recuperating your money.
Again, the longer you wait, the trickier it is to gather.
Lastly, when making an allowance for a debt collection agency, you require considering them as an extension of your association. Considering as they will be accumulating your money and acting on your behalf. It’s also noteworthy that they replicate your organization’s viewpoint.
Information About Collection Agencies: Can I easily place large numbers of accounts for collection?
Accounts Retrievable Systems – Information About Collection Agencies
Yes. You can upload your accounts and associated backup documentation or you may securely forward to us via email a spreadsheet for import.
Can I include the fee paid to ARS in my collection assignment?
In most cases, no, the costs of collection may not be included in the actual debt.
Why do I need to send supporting documents?
Our attorney needs to be armed with basic information in order to communicate and demand money from your debtor. Proper documentation, forwarded right at the beginning of the collection process, allows the attorney to effectively handle the claim on your behalf.
How do I place an account for collection?
Click Here to “Submit a Claim” to complete our quick and easy online form, send us a fax, (516-783-5389), or email the information to us at
What should I look for when I choose a collection agency for my small company?
The collection agency you choose should have a proven track record of success and integrity, they should be accountable and affiliated and they should have a well-placed position within the collection industry. ARS has a 24-year record of superior recovery results and excellent client relations. We are bonded and we remit via a trust account to insure that your funds are secure until they are in your hands. ARS is a member of several regulatory organizations in the collection industry.
Can I place a debt that is owed to me personally?
What is the difference between a consumer debt and a commercial debt?
A consumer debt is money owed by an individual person for personal or household goods. A commercial debt is money owed by one business to another business.
Does ARS provide collection services to the healthcare field?
Accounts Retrievable Systems - Small Business Info
Businesses sometimes have to use the services of a collection agency in order to receive payment for goods or services from a customer or other business. A collection agency collects funds from unpaid invoices through a variety of different methods when a business itself is unable to collect on unpaid invoices.
Often, a collection agency exists within a legal firm so that collection agents can use legal means in order to collect on unpaid invoices. While there are many different methods to collect on unpaid invoices, many collections services can get invoices paid by simply writing a letter to the indebted client or business.
Many individuals and businesses will respond to a letter from a legal firm. However, if the collection agency is unable to get an invoice paid by using a letter alone, the collection service may file papers with the court to be able to collect unpaid funds. In this case, the unpaid funds may be collected from the company’s or individual’s income.
For many businesses, having access to a reliable and effective collection agency is an essential part of ensuring that their unpaid invoices are paid. When a business has outstanding and unpaid invoices, many businesses are not able to effectively manage their finances, including their payroll and other bills. Therefore, businesses need to be able to rely on the income from their invoices to continue to operate. Collection agencies can be an outstanding resource for businesses as they manage their finances and cash flow.
When looking for a collection agency, it is important for the business to be comfortable with the collection agency fees. All collection agencies may charge different rates for their services. Some collection agencies charge based on a percentage of the outstanding invoices that they pursue. This rate could vary by a huge amount from agency to agency, so businesses need to be sure that they select an agency that has a rate that they are comfortable with.
Other collection agencies charge a monthly retainer fee. For that retainer fee, the agency may agree to send a certain number of collection letters before a case is elevated. If an invoice is elevated to court, the collection agency may charge an additional fee to manage the case. Because there are so many different ways to pay the fees for a collection agency, it is important that a business is well-aware of all of the fees that could be involved when they enlist the services of an agency.
Also, when looking for a collection agency, it may be important to be sure that the collection agency that a business selects is able to use a variety of resources to pursue outstanding invoices, including legal means, but the agency should also be able to try to contact individuals personally through letters or phone calls.
Finding the right collection agency can ensure that a business is able to collect on outstanding invoices affordably so that it can maintain payroll, pay bills, and receive payment on outstanding debts. Therefore, businesses should be prepared to do due diligence when researching agencies so that they can find the right fit for their needs.
Accounts Retrievable Systems - Guide To Collection Agencies
Have you ever wrote a check and then realized that you did not have the funds to cover it? Well if you do not make those funds available before the merchants deposits the check; chances are that check can go to a company like this particular collection agency. Once the company receives your check, there is a process that your check will go through before you are contacted. First, the check will go through the data entry department. Once the information from the check is processed and input into their system, the information will be put into a queue for the collectors to go through and call.
In case you did not know, there is an incentive in collecting on debts. In most companies, you get a bonus for each debt that is collected. So when the collector is contacting you, they have motivation to try everything that can legally be done to get you to pay the debt.
Debt collectors have certain protocols that they have set in place to protect them as individuals and the company they are working for. However, as a consumer, you have rights as well. It is illegal for a collector or the company that they work for to violate any law that is in The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This act is in place to prohibit abusive practices by debt collectors. The Federal Trade Commission carries out this act.
A collector is allowed to use a desk name. This is basically an alias that they can use to instead of using their government names. Chances are, the collector that is contacting you and sometimes on the verge of harassing you, the name they are giving you is not their real names. A collector is also allowed to call you anytime between the hours of 8am and 9pm local time, and they can call you as much as they want (at work or at home) unless you have specifically told them that they cannot call you during a certain time or at a certain location.
If you want a collector to cease all communication with you, most times, you have to send them a letter explaining that you wish to cease communication. At that time, the only other contact that can be made from them to you is to inform you that the letter was received and what steps they may take after the cease communication goes into effect.
Some collection agencies have understanding collectors and then there are some agencies that have collector who have the mindset as if you owe the money directly to them and they will do anything to collect on that. Just remember, as the consumer, you have rights and anytime you feel you have been harassed or the law has been broken, report them. The collector is just as responsible for their actions as the agency they work for.
Accounts Retrievable Systems - Fair Debt Collection Act
What is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?
In today’s economy more and more people are being laid off or fired and this leads to more and more past due debts. We are seeing record levels of charge offs by bank in terms of credit card receivables. The levels of foreclosures are higher than at any time in the past. Automobile loan delinquencies are at record levels as well. In fact all across the board consumers as falling past due on credit cards, mortgage payments, lines of credits, auto loans, department store charges as well as any other type of debt you can think of.
Well having said that there is a certain class of workers that is not affected by the economy and that happens to be debt collectors. That’s right. Those are the people calling you when you fall past due on your debts. You will probably receive some reminder calls and depending on the severity of your delinquency you could also receive some not so nice letters asking you to pay or make contact with the creditor so that arrangements can be made.
In today’s economy you are going to find that debt collectors are more willing to work with you because most companies do not want to see more of their receivables being charged off to bad debt. Most will even settle with you for pennies on the dollar.
There was a time in the past when this was not the status quo. In times past debt collectors would call and make threats and demands in order to get you to pay a past due debt. Some threatened you with bodily harm while others claimed you would have to spend some time in jail for not paying your debts. In other cases you would receive phone calls at all times of the night including visitations to your front door. Basically anything was acceptable when it came time to collect a debt.
Well because of this outrageous behavior the government enacted a program called the fair debt collection practices act which basically governs the activities of third party debt collectors.
There are some things that they cannot do such as the following:
Calling hours:
Debt collectors are required to call you between the times of 8:00 am until 9:00 pm eastern standard time. This ensures that you don’t receive calls at 10:00 pm or at 7:00 am in the early am
Calling your Job:
Debt collectors cannot call your job if you request that they do not. However it is always best to put such a request in writing.
Debt collectors cannot make a threat that they do not intend to carry out.
Friends and neighbors:
In the past debt collectors would call your friends, relatives, and references and disclose your information to them primarily the fact that you are past due on your debts. They would use this as a leverage to get you to pay. Well today they can call your friends and relatives and leave a message but they cannot disclose the nature of the call.
Deceptive practices:
Debt collectors cannot use any type of deceptive manner in order to get you to pay your debt.
Jail time:
They cannot threaten you with jail time.
If a collection agency calls you they must state that the purpose of the call is to collect a debt and any information received from you will be used for that purpose.
Accounts Retrievable Systems - Collection Agency vs Lawsuit
If all you have to do to collect overdue payments from a delinquent debtor is sue them, they why doesn’t everybody sue? The short answer is that lawsuits aren’t always necessary, they’re expensive, and time consuming. You will likely be able to recover a large majority of your debts without having to resort to a lawsuit.
Rather than sue a debtor who refuses to pay you back, you can hire a collection agency. Collection agencies specialize in getting non-paying parties to repay what they owe. As service providers for your business, collection agencies can also help you in determining whether or not a lawsuit is the right option at the right time.
Another important factor in choosing a collection agency over a lawsuit is the service collection agencies can provide you. On such service is “skip tracing”. To sue a party, you need to serve them with a summons. Attorneys don’t generally specialize in finding debtors who’ve left town without a trace.
However, collection agencies are equipped to do just that. Once they find the delinquent party, then perhaps you may wish to pursue legal action. Short from that, you still need to know where your debtor is before you can serve him or her with a summons.
The legal system itself is not a fast moving entity. As time passes, your chances of being paid back reduce drastically. After 90 days, your chances drop significantly. The legal process allows for a lot of time to pass between each phase. Therefore, a lawsuit can take well over 90 days to progress. Rather than waiting all this time, you’ll find hiring a collection agency before the 90 day drop-off period significantly increases your chance of being repaid.
Before you resort to a lawsuit, you’ll find hiring a collection agency to be a better starting point in debt recovery. There are cases when hiring an attorney becomes necessary, though. If the debtor is especially stubborn and you’re not able to collect on the debt, then turning to a collection attorney may be your only resort.
At this point, the debt is likely way past the 90 day drop-off point. In some cases, if you’re already starting with a high debt that’s extremely late, you may wish to go ahead and start with an attorney right away and forgo hiring a collection agency. These cases will likely be few and far between, but they may exist.
By using an attorney to file a lawsuit, you significantly increase your chances of debt recovery significantly increase. Once the lawsuit produces a judgment against a debtor, there are many ways you can recover the money owed you. In most (but not all) states, the lawsuit will allow you to garner wages to collect on the debt. You may also be able to seize liquid or non-liquid assets from the debtor to alleviate the debt they owe you.
Overall, your first recourse in debt recovery should more than likely be to use a collection agency. They’re quick and effective. For the stubborn debts that just won’t get paid, you may need to resort to a lawsuit.