Holiday Debt

By newAccts,


While the end of the year means holidays filled with celebration and family, it also means focusing on year end budgets and hitting targets. Holiday debt is created by overindulgence, which can be more troublesome when the debtor already owes a substantial amount of money. Often times in the spirit of the holidays, debts are pushed aside by either the debtor, the creditor, or the judgment holder. When people owe monies, such as debts, judgments, or even child support and spousal support, they tend to put things on the back burner in the name of the holidays. While we at Accounts Retrievable understand this phenomenon, we also understand how challenging this can be for a business or an individual that is owed money.

Throughout the years, the holidays are notorious for being troublesome months for collecting debts. People will simply not pay what they owe because they will buy presents and celebrate by creating holiday debt regardless of how much they owe to others.  It is possible to be in the holiday spirit and be empathetic to a debtor’s situation while also being firm in collections efforts. Sometimes people get caught up paying for things they need in the immediate moment and are so focused on the many lists of things that need to be done and simply forget they are in debt to anyone.

The goal of any business  owner or individual is to not end up with an increasing number of receivables in January after the buying season has slowed down. People are starting to pay off their holiday debts come January and leave their existing debts for a later date. It is important as a business owner or a debt collections agency to still be active in the collections process while being understanding of the time of year.  The most important tool you can use is to stay organized and keep on top of your receivables. Your debtors are likely to be unorganized this time of year so it is important that you maintain the organization needed to collect your money responsibly.

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Consumer Collections In NY: Know Your Debtor

By newAccts,

It is extremely valuable for your business to identify the type of debtor you are working with. Once the customer’s reasons for not paying are identified, the debt can be resolved and you can get paid. Hiring a collection agency is the best way to quickly and efficiently get your money.

Here Are 4 Common Types of Debtors:

1. Willing and Able:

This is obviously the ideal situation. They have the resources to pay their unpaid debts and are willing to pay. This type of debtor usually finds themselves in debt because of some type of error, like lost paperwork. ARS will help get this customer to pay their debt quickly so that it does not hinder your business or their life.

2. Unwilling but Able:

This customer has the resources to pay their debt but for some reason refuses. This may happen if they have a dispute with the balance owed or are unhappy with the product or services. In this case, the Accounts Retrievable team will help negotiate and resolve disputes, leading to payment.

3. Willing but Unable:

This person wants to pay you, but for financial reasons cannot. They acknowledge their debt and even may have made some attempt to pay. For financial reasons, this willing debtor cannot pay the full amount of the debt. In this case, Accounts Retrievable will work out a payment plan, which is most helpful for you and the customer.

4. Unwilling and Unable:

This is obviously the most difficult customer to work with. They refuse to pay and they cannot afford to pay either. In this difficult case, ARS will attempt to resolve the dispute and work out a payment plan.

Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687

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Judgment Recovery in New York

By newAccts,

new york judgment collection

Congratulations! You brought your case to court, the courts sided with you, and now you have a judgment. Ideally the losing party will write a check at the courthouse, however this rarely happens. The next option you have is to pay an attorney and pay additional court fees in order to pursue your debt collection. If they are unable to collect, now you not only have an uncollected debt but fees for the unsuccessful attempts at collection. At Accounts Retrievable System, Inc. we can help with painless judgment recovery in New York! We are highly successful with enforcing and collecting judgments. Your case will not close until we have succeeded in your judgment recovery, whether for one claim or thousands. The best part is we work on a contingency basis, which means if we don’t collect our services are provided free!

A judgment in your favor will entitle you to certain remedies under the law. This allows us to collect your unpaid debt by:

–  Garnishment of the debtors bank accounts and brokerage accounts

–  Garnishment of wages

–  Levy and execution of personal property including, boats, equipment, automobiles, etc.

–  Levy and execution of real estate and business assets

ARS team of professionals uses the most efficient software and resources in order to successfully recover your judgment. We specialize in child support collections, consumer collections, commercial collections and more! We service New York, the United Sates and even international claims.

Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687

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