Collection Agency: What Is A Contingency Fee?
By newAccts,
When you hire Accounts Retrievable as a collection agency, we work on a contingency fee basis. This is usually a standard in the debt collection agency business. What this simply means is that if for any reason we do not collect your debt, there is no fee to pay for our services. Visit out Fees page to see the contingency fee of judgment collection, child support and spousal maintenance collection, international debts and more.
Let’s face it- whether you are the office manager or a parent, your time is better spent elsewhere. You don’t need to be making calls, sending emails, or wasting money on postage to track down people that refuse to pay their debts. Accounts Retrievable is a debt collection agency that uses skip tracing, legal action, credit reporting, asset investigation, and verbal communication in order to get your debts paid. We use these techniques to collect your debts. And remember- it’s free of charge until you collect!
Call Accounts Retrievable System For More Info at (800) 327-4687
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