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Here Are Some Popular Topics:


Debt Services

“In 1986, a nationwide network of collection attorneys established The Accounts Retrievable System. These collections attorneys excelled…
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Commercial Collections

“The first priority is obviously to get money in exchange for products or services from your business. Your outstanding debts…
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Consumer Watchdog Crackdown

“For those of you that have a complaint about debt collection, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau wants to hear from you! The rules…
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Judgment Collections

“Here at Accounts Retrievable System, we specialize in New York judgment collections and enforcement. We also are leaders in…
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Child Support

“If you are a custodial parent than you understand the importance of collecting child support. Child support ensures that your children receive…
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Skip Trace w/ Social Media

“Skip tracing is a common practice for judgment collections companies. With modern technology, debtors are having a harder time staying off the radar…
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