Skip Tracing Using Social Media

By newAccts,


Who hasn’t Googled an ex by now or found long lost friends and family through Facebook? The technology for finding people has been growing rapidly in the recent decades. Skip tracing has been a common practice for judgment collections companies since inception but with modern technology, debtors are having a harder time staying off the collections radar.

Judgment collectors used to have to sift through phone books, make extensive calls, and hound the neighbors in order to carry out skip tracing business. However the professionals in judgment collections businesses such as Accounts Retrievable have been able to utilize the digital trail that debtors leave behind to enforce judgments. The debtor doesn’t even have to be in the same state or country as the judgment collection company because with use of a computer or even a smart phone, debt collectors can track anyone down. Even police enforcement agencies are utilizing social media and social networking as a viable tool for solving and prosecuting crimes.


People are becoming more and more dependent on their smart phone. The benefit to skip tracers is that these smart phones have GPS hard wired into them and every app or function is usually geo-tagged when in use. The lines of right to privacy are more than a little blurred in this growing technology but as a judgment collector, this can be used to benefit your creditors. Even if a person is not necessary checking in on apps such as Foursquare or Facebook, their location can show up just from posting or searching.

With a little bit of know-how, social networking can be a great benefit for tracking down debtors. We can even track down those who are hiding out in other states dodging their child support payments or the judgment that has been placed on them. Skip tracing used to be an impossible job that required a large amount of foot work and paper work.

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Courts Help Consumers Curb Debt Collectors Robo-Calls

By newAccts,

foreign judgments

Ever get those automated  calls for political or marketing purposes? Well, those are commonly known as “Robo-Calls.” They are made from a computerized autodialer that sends to the person answering a pre-recorded message. The 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia ruled that under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), consumers may withdraw their consent to have robo-callers contact them by cell phone with automated calls. By sending a written opt-out request, the calls must stop. It is important for people who are debt collectors or who are looking to recover their own business debt that they know the laws regarding consumer rights.

The automated calls are commonly used for tele-marketing and public service or emergency announcements. Often times debt collectors will use Robo-Calls as a means to attempt to collect judgments, collect debts, and notify customers about delinquent payments. The problem that people experience is excessive calling at all times of day and night from a debt collector that isn’t even human. Some debt collection agencies will use these automated calls as their primary means of collections. Not only is this a sloppy and ineffective method, but it portrays to the consumer that the debt collectors are the bad guys.

While phone calls are a necessary aspect of debt collection, we find it to be a harassment for there to be an excessive amount of calls, especially automated calls. The courts ruling is primarily to benefit the consumer who is being bothered. However it sends a clear message to those of us in the debt collection industry that bothering people will get you nowhere- except maybe to court.

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